Infonavit credit insures housing against claims or accidents – El Sol de Durango

by time news

2023-06-03 23:42:50

Before the start of the rainy and hurricane season, the Institute of the National Fund for Workers’ Housing (Infonavit), through its regional delegate, Luis Fernando Hernández Ozuna, announced that all workers who are paying for their housing They have it insured against any loss or accident.

Workers can rest assured that their home is protected as long as they are paying for it through the credit granted by Infonavit. At the time of financing, an accident Damage Insurance was included.

He clarified that the insurance does not cover damages due to lack of maintenance or those caused by any development planning failure.

He stated that the insurance benefit allows the worker to repair his home (house or apartment that is being paid with an Infonavit credit), if he suffers any affectation caused by a natural disaster or sudden and unforeseen accident.

He specified that the Accident Damage Insurance protects you against natural disasters: displacement of land, landslide, fire, flood, hailstorm, snowfall, hurricane, cyclone, earthquake, tornado or volcanic eruption.

In the case of accidents these can be: domestic fire, tree fall, explosion, falling objects from an airplane, falling planes, light aircraft, helicopters or any manned and unmanned object.

In addition, other types of contingencies included in the Infonavit accident damage insurance policy are foreseen.

The regional delegate Hernández Ozuna, announced the requirements to use the insurance: Have a current mortgage loan with Infonavit; be up to date with your financing payments; that no more than two years have passed since the accident that affected your home.

He stressed that in the event that the worker is not up to date with his payments, he must first bring his mortgage credit up to date, or else, if his credit characteristics allow it, sign a payment regularization agreement in the Credit Portfolio area. Infonavit offices in your town.

#Infonavit #credit #insures #housing #claims #accidents #Sol #Durango

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