Infonavit tells you Blur and New Account, these are the requirements

by time news

Written in NATIONAL the

The institute of the National Fund for Housing for Workers (Infonavit) has different options for workers who have lost their jobs and as a consequence forced you to stop making payments to your credit on a regular basis, however the The institute has a program that allows workers to catch up with payments.

Given the economic crisis that Mexicans have faced, the institute has prepared some contingency programs that will allow you to support yourself and not stay at zero, the plans range from reductions in the amount of monthly payments and until the authorization of an extension to achieve stability in your finances and be able to resume the payment of the home loan when you can.

These are some options that it offers you, so that you do not let interest accumulate and you cannot affect your credit history:

What is Erase and New Account?

This program gives you support by adding all the monthly payments you did not pay the balance of your credit, so that you stay up to date with your payments and thus do not fall behind on the next payments.

He too Infonavit gives you the opportunity to continue paying regularly and with the same monthly installments stipulated in the loan, this with the purpose that the entitled right is regular.

You can request this support, having a job and have the payment of at least two bimonthly periods, in case you do not have a job, you will have to have at least three effective continuous payments, in addition to not having a current restructuring of your credit.

It is important to mention that if you meet these characteristics, you will receive a regularization notice. To request it, go to the Infonavit collection area in the entity where you obtained your credit with the following:

  • Social Security Number (NSS) or credit number.
  • Copy of an official identification.
  • Proof of address.
  • Payment Capacity Opinion

The Infonavit is in the best disposition to support you and give you the best solution, on its official page you can find more options for other procedures and do not endanger your family heritage.

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