Information evening about non-metastatic prostate cancer

by time news

Fri Oct 7, 08:58

Partner contribution

(Partner contribution)

Living with and after prostate cancer

Information evening about non-metastatic prostate cancer

On Monday 24 October, the Reinier Haga Prostate Cancer Center is organizing an information evening about prostate cancer. What does it mean to live with prostate cancer? And how do you continue after the treatments?

What’s on offer? Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. Every year more than 100,000 men in the Netherlands are diagnosed. During the information evening, urologist John van der Hoeven, radiotherapist Birgit Hollman and specialized nurse Anja Ladenberg will tell you more about the treatment options and the consequences of non-metastatic prostate cancer. Attention is also paid to sexuality and intimacy after prostate cancer treatment.

“Prostate cancer has a major impact on the patient’s life, but also on that of any partner, children and environment. They must also be well informed about the consequences of the disease,” says urologist John van der Hoeven.

Target audience

“We organize the information evening for everyone who is interested in the subject, but also for patients and their partners. There is also plenty of room to ask questions to the attending specialists and experts from our Prostate Cancer Center.”

Practical information

The evening takes place on October 24 and starts at 6.15 pm. The closure is at 9 p.m. The Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis is located at Reinier de Graafweg 5, Delft. The meeting is in the Milkmaid room on the fifth floor. There are geek costs.

Are you interested? Register via You will also find the program here. Register quickly, because full = full!

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