Information is power to the people

by time news

2023-11-01 16:09:08

EDITED – Honest and authentic information. Not biased or presented in a way that distorts both content and scope.

In a tweet dated October 8, 2023, sociologist Edgar Morin said this:

“Humanism, which recognizes the full humanity of each and everyone, is the only remedy for hatred, but it is nowhere to be found, even in pharmacies.”

To which I added this:

And since I have the opportunity here to do so, I would like to please complete my remarks.

So here we go!

A well-informed people are a healthy people.

The human brain is capable of many things.

For example, by instinct or by analysis, we can identify lies more or less easily. And when information is incomplete, we are also able to detect it.

And intrinsic as it is with him by nature, more than in any other animal species, it is out of curiosity that the human being will seek the validation of the facts, despite the fact that many people strive to pollute information. This pollution is carried out by making almost permanent use of infofiction, like Julien Pain or his colleagues Reichstadt and Mendès France in a permanent arrangement with the truth endorsed by their respective publication directors.

When we are children, we have the “How it works ?” pinned to the body, critical thinking exacerbated.

And in what was then rightly called Public Education before being replaced, unfortunately, by National Education, we developed this critical spirit. Now we are the opposite.

Because for the power in place, having a majority of citizens who have a critical mind is synonymous with having to publicly justify, for each decision taken in the name of the French people, of the merits of this decision, by arguments which do not consist only of peremptory assertions. Invented axioms to this to which so-called experts and so-called specialists grant the value of a theorem. Namely the technical demonstration which is required, in a democracy, to convince anyone with a critical mind. The demonstration in due form that any citizen with a critical mind has the right to expect from the power in place, each time it takes this or that decision, the application of which has the consequence of imposing something on a certain category of citizens or on all, or a restriction of freedom.

However, we saw this with the constraints/obligations and restrictions on freedoms put in place by the power in place (President of the Republic, government and Parliament) during Covid. Instead of having a demonstration, we were treated to tautology, words for children or injunctions for mentally retarded people, and shocking formulas like: “All vaccinated, all protected”, recited over and over, on television and radio, and in all subsidized paper newspapers, like echolalia, by the entire executive, complicit parliamentarians and “experts” in the pay of either the government or pharmaceutical laboratories ( when they were not both).

Information that is faithful to reality strengthens both the power of the government and the legitimacy of the decisions that the government takes in the name of the French people. Whereas, conversely, when the government openly lies to people, only disinformation can allow it to impose the decisions it takes. Or partial and biased information that tends towards misinformation.

I bring this nuance, because this is the art of manipulation: passing off biased information as truth or valid information, and on which, therefore, we must rely.

Contemporary examples of these false truths which become real lies are legion: the weapons of mass destruction to launch the war in Iraq, the origin of the virus for Covid, the ineffectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and other early treatments, the effectiveness of the “vaccine”, the absence of side effects, etc.

I said it in a previous column: the main locus of the war that certain world leaders are waging against the population is in our minds. And the main tool of this war is disinformation. And Voltaire would not contradict me: Those who can make you believe nonsense can make you commit atrocities.“

This is diabolically perverse, because ideological dogmatism does not make us healthier, both mentally and physically, quite the contrary. It takes us towards a modification of reality: we are made to understand what is good to think. It’s “ready-to-think”. A way of seeing things imposed on our minds by disinformation, which reduces critical thinking to nothing.

The government may refuse to admit it, but it is the truth: disinformation and accusatory inversion are what we call paradoxical injunction.

The subject of climate is part of this permanent paradoxical injunction.

When he was president of the United States, Barak Obama feared rising sea levels. In any case, this was the official position of the White House, to justify to the American people the measures that its administration took to supposedly “save the planet.”

Well, this same Barak Obama ended up buying a house by the sea. The proof is that he doesn’t care much about the rising waters… Do as I say, not as I do .

A bit like Emmanuel Macron who, to justify the obligations/restrictions of the executive, announced the end of abundance for French citizens… but not for him! We could see this with this very frugal dinner at Versailles, in the company of Charles III, whose budget was limited to six million euros, or even the significant increase in the budget of the Elysée of 12.4 million euros. euros next year (from 115 million euros in 2023 to 127.4 million in 2024).

Yes, unfortunately for us, French citizens, since the arrival at the Élysée of Emmanuel I, we have been the victims of these paradoxical injunctions.

In France, “land of freedoms”, this is the sad reality of our government in terms of communication: disinformation is pushed to its peak – and more! – since the forced advent of Covid three years ago, then, immediately after, the war in Ukraine, and now that of the Middle East.

#Information #power #people

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