Inge Wittmann: Farewell to the friend of animals – Bolzano

by times news cr

BOLZANO. “A strong character, sometimes brusque, but she had a big heart.” This is how her friends describe her Inge Wittmann. Bolzanina, a retired provincial employee, but above all an animal volunteer, passed away on Tuesday night at the San Maurizio hospital due to illness.

On her social profile appeared (literally) hundreds of messages of condolence. She was very well known because she knew how to network, building relationships over the years with volunteers from all over Italy (her ties with the South were strong). And she surrounded herself with trusted and valid collaborators when there was an abandoned dog or cat to be given up for adoption.

Francesca De Villa, a friend, colleague and neighbor, remembers her with emotion. “It seems unbelievable to me, just a week ago we were talking and laughing near Parco Europa and today she is no longer here,” she explains, “She had recently dyed her hair pink because a man on the bus had called her a lady and so she wanted to look younger. When I came to live in Bolzano she was one of the first people I met. There were some tense moments, when we argued, but then everything fell into place. She allowed the adoption of so many dogs and cats. She leaves a deep void in the world of volunteering.”

A “strong and charismatic” woman who is always “available to everyone” can be read on her Facebook profile. “I met her years ago when I was looking for an adoption for a puppy”, intervenes Samantha Haas, also a volunteer from Alto Adige, “I found myself with this puppy that the owners no longer wanted and in a few hours she had already found a solution. She devoted herself with commitment, especially after she retired. Hundreds of foster care and dozens of appeals: this was her life”. AL.BO.

2024-09-15 12:31:27

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