Innovation and partnership, this is how Novartis redesigns the health of the future

by time news

2023-11-16 15:49:00

Italians are pessimistic about the future of health: to change course, Novartis Italia is focusing on scientific innovation, with an investment of 350 million euros by 2025, and on collaboration with all partners (national and regional institutions, scientific societies and patient associations) to reimagine health together and face the main health challenges of tomorrow. First of all the reduction of inequalities in access to care and innovation. A path which – thanks to the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the National Youth Council (CNG), the Government’s consultative body on youth policies – will define the vision and needs of the young generations who will determine the future of health in the coming years . This is what emerged today in Rome on the occasion of the presentation of the opinion poll ‘The health that will come’, promoted by Novartis and conducted by AstraRicerche on the future and the health of tomorrow, investigating the perception and expectations of over a thousand citizens and doctors Italians.

“Investing in the future of health and therefore in the future of Italy is a duty for a company like Novartis, strongly rooted in the country and naturally projected towards the future. We contribute to the development of the country and the future of health – comments Valentino Confalone, Country President Novartis Italia – through targeted investments in innovation, strengthening of production sites in Italy and strategic partnerships. Thus we have decided to invest 350 million in Italy by 2025 to strengthen our Research & Development activity and production activity in the centers of excellence of Torre Annunziata and Ivrea. The health of tomorrow cannot be reimagined alone: ​​so we work alongside national and regional institutions and collaborate with the National Youth Council to integrate the vision of the new generations into the healthcare of the future”.

Furthermore, Novartis Italia’s commitment to the future of health – highlights a note – passes through working alongside all the players in the country system to maximize access to care and reduce health inequalities. Firstly, by ensuring that Italy remains a strategic hub for investments in Research and Development, but also by collaborating on the creation of early access models that allow Italian patients to benefit in good time from the scientific progress that research makes available disposition. Finally, the company is committed to supporting the evolution of the National Health Service through innovation and partnerships. A commitment before and beyond the drug, which takes the form of services capable of improving the patient’s care path from diagnosis to follow-up, the efficiency of the centers as well as the management of the treatment. With this objective, the company has the ambition to sign at least one partnership agreement with each of the 20 Italian regions within 5 years to address the health challenges of the communities and actively collaborates with the National Youth Council to integrate the needs and expectations of the new generations in building the healthcare of tomorrow.

Young people between 18 and 24, according to the opinion poll, are without doubt the Italians most projected into the future (45%) and also the least ‘fatalistic’: more than 8 out of 10 are in fact convinced that they can influence it. At the same time, however, they are among the most pessimistic about the future of health: 41% believe that Italians will be worse off within 5 years and even 55% believe that within 20 years. Thus, to outline the healthcare of tomorrow, Novartis Italia has chosen to directly involve the new generations and has started a strategic collaboration with the National Youth Council to integrate their visions, concerns and suggestions.

“The negative vision of the new generations regarding the future of health must be matched by the effort of all the actors in the country’s system to reverse the trend. It is a job that the CNG has been doing every day for years – states Maria Cristina Rosaria Pisani, president of the National Council of young people – which can now be enhanced by the collaboration with Novartis. It is extremely positive that a company wants to reimagine the health of tomorrow together with young people. We will launch a path that will start with some working groups that will actively involve young doctors and researchers , representatives of patients and institutions and healthcare managers to gather their point of view and their needs. The objective we have set ourselves is to develop a series of proposals during the General States of Youth Policies scheduled at the beginning of 2024”.

#Innovation #partnership #Novartis #redesigns #health #future

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