INPS-GAO: the Cité-INPS project of the Housing Cooperative exposed to agents

by time news

20 years after its creation, the INPS Housing Cooperative getting ready to build housing decent forits membersincluding pensioners.

This decision of launching the project is consecutive to a massive adhesion of the INPS personnel. On the strength of this observation, a delegation from the Cooperative led by its president has been on the ground for several weeks. After the southern regions, she met the staff of the regional office of Gao. It was Monday, March 27, 2023. During discussions with the staff, the president of the Cooperative, Modibo DANION and the consultant of the Cité-INPS project, Mr. Noumoumory SAKO projected the different types of villa, proposed by the three companies construction companies selected for the execution of the construction project. Clarifications were then given to each other on the project.

For the INPS Regional Director, Abdoul Aziz DIAKITE: “this project is an opportunity to seize, a first in the history of the INPS”.

From its creation to the present day, i.e. 20 years, the INPS Cooperative has made available to agents more than one thousand six hundred (1600) individual plots, distributed in strategic areas of the District of Bamako.

Sites exist in certain regions, in particular in Kayes, Sikasso, Segou. For the Gao region, plot acquisition procedures are underway. Same for Koulikoro.

Regarding the prices of sale of medium-class housing, they vary from 32 to 67 million CFA francs, depending on the type of villa (F3, F4 and F5).

Public Relations Department, INPS.


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