Insect Infestations in the US: Ticks, Spotted Lanternflies, and Mosquitoes

by time news

Bug Infestations Plague the United States This Summer

Illustration by Alex Cochran for Yahoo News; photos: Getty Images

Millions of Americans have been facing a summertime plague of bugs, with infestations ranging from spotted lanternflies in the Northeast, aphids in New York City, to mosquitoes in Los Angeles. The country is experiencing an unprecedented wave of insect activity, causing concern among residents and public health officials.

Ticks, known carriers of diseases such as Lyme disease, have become a major issue this year. According to Time magazine, tick seasons are getting worse, and 2023 is shaping up to be one of the worst in memory. The Northeast and Upper Midwest regions are particularly affected due to a surge in blacklegged ticks. This increase is attributed to oak trees producing a large number of acorns in 2021, providing more food for mice and chipmunks, which in turn support tick populations. Climate change is also leading to wider tick prevalence, as warmer seasons prolong their lifespan.

Apart from Lyme disease, ticks are also spreading an emerging illness called babesiosis. This disease is found in eight states in the Northeast and can be fatal in some cases. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these states are experiencing increasing rates of babesiosis.

The Northeast is also battling an infestation of spotted lanternflies, which pose a threat to trees, particularly fruit trees. These polka-dotted bugs are now present in many counties across Delaware, New Jersey, New York state, parts of Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Experts warn that lanternflies can quickly multiply in number, making control measures crucial. Residents are urged to squash any bugs they come across.

Mosquitoes, a common summertime nuisance, are also causing trouble this year. Orange County in California is witnessing three times the average number of mosquitoes due to heavy rainfall during the winter. To combat this issue, the county is using drones to drop bacterial spore pellets that kill mosquito larvae. Similarly, the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District in Saint Paul, Minnesota, has seen a surge in mosquito activity. The increase is attributed to the rebound in precipitation following drought years in 2021 and 2022.

While mosquito bites are generally an annoyance, they can transmit serious diseases, especially in warmer climates. Dengue fever, Zika virus, chikungunya, and even malaria have been detected in various states and territories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirm that malaria has been locally acquired by individuals in Florida and Texas, marking the first time since 2003.

To minimize the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses, the CDC advises the removal of standing water from properties and the use of insect repellent.

As bug infestations continue to wreak havoc across the United States, it’s vital for individuals to take preventive measures and stay informed about the latest developments in insect-borne diseases.

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