Inside and Outside: PASOK says “no” to private parties

by time news

2024-02-10 05:53:00


The Minister of the Interior, Niki Kerameos, has a perception shared by her other colleagues. “Direct” communication with the citizen is a priority and everyone must endure it, whether there is a reason or not. Thus, voters learned from Ms. Kerameos’ accounts the “report of the seven months” at the Ministry of the Interior. This is, of course, written by the same “wooden” software (which we have embellished for others as well) with the use of banalities such as “we beat the pathogens”, “we owe it to every Greek woman” and so on, which someone will he only read if he was sentenced to many times life, with time infinite. A little relaxation never hurt anyone.


The government’s legislative regulation of non-state universities is an issue with which PASOK will hardly agree. In fact, on Monday the party will present its own proposals in detail and the matter will be discussed at the K.O. meeting. on Tuesday to finalize decisions. Through the competent head of Education, Stefanos Parastatides, it was announced yesterday that the government’s legislative proposal, as it stands, does not meet the conditions set by PASOK for the possibility of establishing non-state universities. According to PASOK, the regulation presented by the government does not ensure the substantial strengthening of the public university, while sufficient safeguards are not put in place for the non-profit nature of non-state HEIs. Of course, a window is left open, that of the debate that will take place in Parliament, where the party will come up with its proposals and there it will be seen if and to what extent the government is willing to make changes in order to achieve consensus. In PASOK, however, they are not optimistic about such a thing.


Rurik the Varangian is considered to have been one of the first leaders of the Scandinavian Rus, who first settled Novgorod and then some offshoots of their dynasty created the Kievan Rus’ state. It is not certain that Rurik existed as a person, but his legacy is claimed by both Russians and modern Ukrainians. It is no coincidence that the symbol of the Rurikid dynasty (that is, the descendants of Rurik), is the national symbol of modern Ukraine. The legend of Rurik was brought up again by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in his famous interview with the American journalist Tucker Carlson. Much can be said about the interview, although the bottom line is that Mr Putin was in control throughout and felt no pressure. Such a thing would not be possible after all. From Rurik to Catherine the Great, the Second World War and the modern era, the Russian president proceeded with a retrospective that demonstrates the historical continuity of Russians and Ukrainians as a recent breakaway offshoot of the Russian people. In Western countries, History is just another branch of the humanities. In the Kremlin, History is the main driver of war. It is not easy to bridge the gap in the perception and view of the world between West and East.


Washington, where yesterday Greek and US Foreign Ministers Giorgos Gerapetritis and Anthony Blinken presided over the 5th Strategic Dialogue. The discussions were to cover the entirety of Greek-American relations, centered on the growing tension from the Black Sea and the Caucasus to the Middle East and the Red Sea. Geography makes Greece inherently attractive to the allied superpower, so some pieces fit into the puzzle with relative ease. There are, however, issues that require some creativity and some flexibility on the part of Greece. As always, the difficulty is not in planning, but when it comes time to implement.


“You mentioned it and you did well about the closed properties, which belong to municipalities. Perhaps you should also tell the mayor of Athens, whom you supported politically. Let him allocate his closed properties to vulnerable households and not to collectives, so that they cannot squat somewhere else.” This is what Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in the Parliament, addressing PASOK president Nikos Androulakis, apparently referring to the mayor of Athens (and not Athens) Harry Doukas. Mr. Androulakis responded by saying that Mr. Mitsotakis “has not yet digested” the defeat in the primary elections. However, third party observers told me that Mr. Mitsotakis probably wanted to highlight some legendary “freeze” in the relations between Charilaou Trikoupis and Kotzia square. Who knows;

#PASOK #private #parties

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