Inside Dimitris Papamichael’s dressing room – With costumes and personal items [εικόνες]

by time news

In an atmosphere of emotion and nostalgia, the permanent Camarini of the great Piraeus actor Dimitris Papamichail was inaugurated yesterday at the Municipal Theater of Piraeus.

Manuscripts, photographs, theatrical costumes, his personal belongings and an honorary Olympic Cup are just some of the valuable exhibits in Dimitris Papamichael’s permanent Dressing Room, which now adorns the imposing staircase of the theater that leads to the foyer of the Municipal Theater of Piraeus.


Dimitris Papamichael’s wish came true

The mayor of Piraeus, Yiannis Moralis, and the city’s municipal radio, the historic “Channel One 90.4”, fulfilled one of the last wishes of the leading Piraeus artist, creating a Dressing Room with many of his personal items.

The actress and last partner of Dimitris Papamichael, Nadia Mourouzi, respecting his wish to create his dressing room from the historic radio station of Piraeus, granted to Channel One 90.4 objects of inestimable historical value, in order to remain forever in the city where he was born and he loved it.

The implementation of this great project was done with the valuable help of the head of Program and Culture of the Municipal Radio of Piraeus, Panagiotis Phytra.


The architectural design and artistic curation of Dimitris Papamichail’s dressing room was undertaken by the great scenographer Manolis Pantelidakis.

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During yesterday’s event, greetings were addressed by the mayor of Piraeus, Yiannis Moralis, the president of the Municipal Council, Alexandros Tseferakos (during whose tenure as president of DI.RA.P. the creation of the dressing room began), the president of DI.RA.P. . Iosif Vourakis, Nadia Mourouzi, the actors Roula Pateraki, Rigas Axelos and Christos Vassilopoulos, the journalist Iason Triantafyllidis and Manolis Pantelidakis.

The moving evening was opened by the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Municipality of Piraeus, while Lena Alkaiou performed Dimitris Papamikhail’s favorite hits.

The mayor of Piraeus, Yiannis Moralis, emphasized: “In a very beautiful and moving event, we inaugurated at the Municipal Theater of Piraeus the permanent dressing room of the great Piraeus actor Dimitris Papamichael, which is located on the imposing staircase of our theater that leads to the foyer.


“With his personal items, entrusted to Piraeus Municipal Radio Channel One 90.4 FM by his last partner, Nadia Mourouzi, fulfilling his wish that these items remain in Piraeus, in the city he was born, loved and honored throughout of his long career.

The moment when the stentorian voice of Papamichail was heard in the theater, on the first signal of the historical radio of our city in 1987 and in an interview he had given in 2001 on the radio of Piraeus, was shocking. The whole theater hummed along to ”Grey Eyes” and ”Patience” from his films, in a very beautiful musical tribute by Lena Alkaiou, also from Piraeus.

Dimitris Papamichail is one of the prides of Piraeus and I am very proud that his dressing room is now part of the Municipal Theater of Piraeus. In this way, the people of Piraeus return his love and thank him for what he offered to Art and the public.


“We will never forget you, Dimitris, Piraeus…”.

The president of Piraeus Municipal Radio “Channel One 90.4”, Iosif Vourakis, noted, among other things, in his greeting:

“It is a very pleasant day for our Municipal Theater and Piraeus in general. A wish of the great Dimitris Papamichael who wrote his story starting from Piraeus, to build a dressing room dedicated to him with his personal belongings, came true. A big thank you to those who worked to make this celebration happen, a big thank you to Ms. Mourouzi who was the link between the family and the municipality. The effort we made in previous years to ensure that the ITP does not operate strictly as a theater, but as a multi-cultural space, is also confirmed. Those who come to the Municipal Theater will be able to enjoy these very nice showcases that represent the dressing room of Dimitris Papamichael and other such nice events will follow”.


The chairman of the Piraeus Municipal Council and former chairman of the Municipal Radio, Alexandros Tzeferakos, in his greeting, pointed out:

“The fulfillment of the wish of a person who has passed away is always a very powerful motivation for those who undertake to fulfill it. Much more so when this desire comes from a great Greek of Art and Culture.

Dimitris Papamichail had asked Nadia Mourouzi, after his death, to arrange for some of his personal items to be exhibited in a permanent “dressing room”, in the city where he was born, in the city that he loved and respected. These objects were granted to the historical radio station of Piraeus “Channel One 90.4”, of which he was a founding member, while he “dressed” with his voice the station’s first signal, which went on the “air”. on May 13, 1987, inaugurating the “Spring” era of Hellenic Radio.

After Dimitris Papamichael’s wish was made known, the only way for us was to contribute with all our strength to its fulfillment. To choose a place other than the place it has in our hearts and minds. A position in our theater, which was immediately accepted by our mayor Yiannis Moralis, the then president of O.P.A.N. Iosif Vourakis and the artistic director of the Municipal Theatre.


It is a special honor that his wish is realized through the Municipal Radio of Piraeus, for the existence of which his contribution and legacy are important. Today Dimitris Papamichail will be smiling from up there… And that’s because… Today Dimitris Papamichail returned to his home!

In closing, I want to describe a scene from the KARPOUZI shop in Piraeus, somewhere in 1998 or 1999, Dimitris Papamichail stands up in his seat and with the movements of his hands and head dances his best zeibeki. About three hundred and fifty lucky people watch with church-like silence and at the end they applaud nonstop, led by Xarchakos and Spanoudakis, who happened to be there.”

Actress Nadia Mourouzi emphasized: “Today is a celebration. Mr. Pantelidakis designed this wonderful dressing room to honor Piraeus, the city he loved so much, Dimitris Papamichail. I just did what I had to do. I won’t miss the items, because they are now where they should be.”

Set designer Manolis Pantelidakis pointed out: “Ms Mourouzi asked me to honor him and I am happy because I believe that the place you grow up really shapes you and Dimitris Papamichail was born in Piraeus. It is a great pleasure that Nadia gave us the objects, for the world of Piraeus and all its fans to see. There must be the story of Dimitris Papamichael and all the great actors”.


In their greetings, the journalist Iason Triantafyllidis and the actors Roula Pateraki, Christos Vassilopoulos and Rigas Axelos spoke about the great personality of Dimitris Papamichail, about his path in the theater, the important roles he performed and about his love for Piraeus.

The event was also attended by: Dimitris Papamichail’s son, Yiannis Papamichail, the deputy mayors Athina Glyka-Harvalakou, Dimitris Karydis, Antonis Morantzis, Panagiotis Reppas and Kyriaki Bourdakou, the authorized municipal councilors Giorgos Vitsas, Stavroula Menti, Alexandra-Gerasimo Toumazatou, Yiannis Hatzialexis, the municipal councilors Angelos Bouldumis and Elina Verykakis, the presidents of the 1st and 5th Municipal Communities Dimitris Pefanis and Panagiota Theiakoulis-Voidonikolas respectively, the president of the School Committee for Athmia Education Christos Makris, the mandated regional advisor for Volunteering issues Eugenia Barbagianni, community councilors, the vice-president of DI.RA.P. Apostolos Seirinidis, the artistic director of the Piraeus Municipal Theater Nikos Diamantis, the wife of the great director Theodoros Angelopoulos, Phoebe Angelopoulos, the screenwriter and actor Alexandros Rigas, the CSR director of PAE Olympiacos Nikos Gavalas, the president of the Women’s Association of Crete and the Aegean Islands, Anna Daskalaki et al.


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