Inside Look at Hamas’ Weapons Arsenal Uncovered by IDF in Gaza Kindergarten

by time news

IDF uncovers cache of weapons, supplies in kindergarten in Gaza

Fox News’ Joey Jones broke down some of the weapons reportedly found by the IDF in a classroom in northern Gaza. The IDF said on X, formerly known as Twitter, Saturday that its troops found weapons, ammunition, and explosive devices inside a kindergarten. An unidentified soldier in the video said the IDF found two large explosive charge blocks and bags of ammunition on top of a closet and under a bed.

Jones, a Marine Corps veteran, said Hamas’ weapons arsenal provided insight into the terrorist group’s tactics and capabilities and the type of combat they anticipate. A series of photos released by the IDF shows Hamas’ weapons ranging from hand-held grenades to RPGs.

“First, we see here are 100, what we call pineapple grenades. All of these are handheld grenades. You pull the pin, you throw them, and they have these little serrations on them where they break in the fragmentation– all turning into dozens of bullets from each grenade,” Jones explained on “The Big Weekend Show.” “What this indicates is they’re anticipating hand-to-hand, close-quarters combat. These can only go as far as you can throw them unless you booby trap them then they become an IED.”

Another photo showed a voltmeter or an O-meter, which Jones said is used to “test either blasting caps or electric circuits, probably in IEDs or certain types of munitions.”

“Up here is really the part I want to talk to you about. What you have here, this is a circle, and these are mils or minutes of angle, and it’s to a very fine detail. And down here you have a tool that’s used to set the angle of something that you’re going to use to indirect fire– to lob. And so what this shows is [the] capability of mortars or other types of indirect fire, something you want to go for a long distance, but you also see it’s kind of rudimentary. It’s very simple stuff,” the retired staff sergeant said. He added: “A lot of this stuff down here you get at Home Depot. It’s not super sophisticated. And that can help account for some of the rocket attacks that land inside Gaza itself because they’re not using sophisticated tools.”

Jones then moved on to a third photo that showed an RPG on the ground with flight motors and launch motors. “What that means…RPGs are capable of going up to 900 yards, so you could actually use them as indirect fire and use RPGs from a further distance away. Having the motors that are capable of that shows that might be a part of their battle plan,” he said. “So all of this shows you a little bit of what they’re capable of and a little bit of what they might be trying to do as far as strategy. And that helps Israel prepare for what they’ll see.”

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