Inside Yoko Ono’s Dakota Apartment: Stories from Roberta Flack, Sean Lennon, and Erika Belle

by time news

Title: Yoko Ono’s Iconic Dakota Apartment Welcomed Roberta Flack, Sean Lennon and Erika Belle

Subtitle: Stories of Hollywood glamour and famous residents shared in new documentary

Date: [Current Date]

In a recent documentary about renowned singer Roberta Flack, Grammy winner and voice behind the legendary song “Killing Me Softly,” an unlikely connection was revealed – Flack had been neighbors with Yoko Ono in the iconic Dakota apartment building. The film explores the close bond shared by the two neighbors, shedding light on a different side of the talented musician.

Sean Lennon, son of Yoko Ono and legendary musician John Lennon, shared his perspective on Flack’s presence in the building during an interview featured in the documentary. Lennon admitted that initially, he didn’t view Flack as the famous artist she was but rather as a “really cool neighbor.” In fact, they were so close that Flack was affectionately referred to as “Aunt Roberta” by Lennon and his family.

Yoko Ono, while being interviewed in the same documentary, revealed the exceptional proximity they shared as neighbors, stating that their kitchens were connected. Such close neighborly ties further strengthened their relationship, representing the unique sense of community that often thrives in New York City.

Another individual with a deep fascination for the Dakota building was Erika Belle, a model and former backup dancer for Madonna. After hearing countless stories about the building’s allure, Belle couldn’t contain her excitement when invited to a dinner hosted by Yoko Ono in the 1980s. Belle described the Dakota building as having “so much old, ’50s Hollywood glamour,” a sentiment echoed by many lifelong New Yorkers.

Meeting Yoko Ono was a dream come true for Belle, who compared the experience to receiving multiple gifts at once. Speaking about that memorable evening, Belle shared, “‘To arrive at that building and to know that I was meeting Yoko, was like ‘Merry Christmas’ and ‘Happy birthday’ all rolled into one.” Belle further revealed that she was accompanied by Madonna, who was also captivated by the building’s charm.

Upon entering Ono’s apartment, Belle was struck by the grandeur surrounding her, particularly the high ceilings and wide hallways. The sheer magnitude of the space left her in awe, as she claimed one could “drive a car through those hallways.”

Although the dinner itself consisted of takeout from a Chinese restaurant, the true highlight of the evening was a personal tour of Ono’s apartment given by the legendary artist herself. Belle recalls the profound moment when Ono held her hand, inviting her to explore the intricacies of her living space. The profound connection formed during this interaction still gives Belle goosebumps to this day.

The Dakota apartment building remains an enduring symbol of architectural elegance and cultural significance, a testament to the glamour and allure of a bygone era. As these stories of famous residents and cherished moments within its walls continue to be shared, the Dakota will forever hold a special place in New York City’s collective memory.

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