Insider tips for holidays: The least visited countries in Europe

by time news

2023-07-23 08:04:00

In the Corona years, most holidaymakers avoided overcrowded travel destinations abroad – or simply stayed in their own country. The desire to travel will be back this summer at the latest. This can be seen, among other things, in the increasing booking and sales figures for the travel provider Tui. Sales in Germany are already back at the pre-corona level, said a spokesman for Tui Germany on Tuesday in Hanover. “In terms of the number of guests, we assume that we will close the gap this year.”

Flight bookings have also increased. On individual days, the European controllers direct almost as many flights through the airspace, which has become narrower as a result of the war, as in 2019. The pre-Corona peak of more than 37,000 flights on June 28, 2019 is only around 3000 flight movements away these days.

Germans spend their holidays in southern Europe

The airports are currently preparing for the main holiday season. The great chaos that characterized the summer of 2022 should not happen this year. Due to the orderly operational processes in the first half of the year, people at Frankfurt Airport are optimistic. “The numerous measures taken are taking effect,” said airport boss Stefan Schult of the German Press Agency. According to its own statements, Lufthansa, as the largest provider, flies much more stably and punctually than in the previous year.

And where are the Germans drawn to? While some people long for adventure and the exotic, the majority of holidaymakers go to the well-known travel destinations in southern Europe. Spain, Greece, Italy, Turkey and Croatia are booming again. In the meantime, new travel destinations such as Montenegro are slowly coming into focus. But there are other countries that hardly anyone has on their radar – although they have a lot to offer.

The “Urlaubsguru” portal has compiled a list of the least visited countries in Europe based on data from the Statistical Office of the European Union. The evaluation is based on the net occupancy of hotel beds and similar accommodation between June and August 2022. So if you are still looking for an insider tip, a travel destination far away from the crowds, you should take a closer look at these countries.

Sources: Holiday guru, with material from the DPA


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