Insights into body armor What is the immune system? : PPTVHD36

by time news

immune system caused by the interaction of many systems within the body all organs cells and chemicals including a variety of proteins If the immune system is weakened by malfunctioning Or having unhealthy behavior (Unhealthy Lifestyle), the body will easily get sick. inability to fight external infections or abnormalities that occur within the body which puts the risk of developing serious diseases in the future

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The immune system is extremely complex. and is divided into two main systems:
1. Innate immune system We are all born with this type of immune system. inherited from heredity It is a mechanism that is not specific to a specific type of pathogen, such as the skin, mucous membranes, and mucous membranes. Help prevent germs from entering the body or stomach acid, tears, sweat helps destroy germs before entering the body. Including Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells) that are ready to fight tumors, cancer cells or viral infections in a timely manner when infection occurs.

2. Adaptive immune system is the specific immune system that the body produces after infection. Microbial surfaces contain protein molecules known as “antigens” that can trigger an immune response. B lymphocytes (B-cells) respond by producing special proteins specific to antigens. Also known as “antibodies” (Antibody) for the white blood cells type T lymphocyte (T-cells) to destroy even after the first infection. It can take several days for the body to make antibodies. But the immune system remembers and adapts. in order to be able to fight the foreign matter next time

function of the immune system
1. Prevent and destroy germs and foreign matter.
2. Memorize function and resist harmful substances from the environment
3. Fight abnormally transformed cells such as tumors, cancer cells.

What happens if the immune system malfunctions?
Sometimes the immune system reacts. Although there was no real aggression. These diseases and disorders cause the immune system to destroy normal cells in the body. And it can’t protect you when your body is infected with a disease.
Immune conditions and diseases such as
• Allergies occur when the body reacts to harmless substances such as food or pollen. By after histamine (Histamine) causes allergic reactions ranging from nasal congestion, sneezing, or may be severe to shortness of breath. and even death
• Autoimmune diseases, where the immune system misunderstands and attacks normal cells in your body. Can cause many diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. Lupus or Asleep Leukemia (SLE)
• immunodeficiency (Immunodeficiency diseases) if you have immunodeficiency You will get sick more easily and your infection may be longer and more severe. make it difficult to treat It is usually caused by a genetic disorder or infection with the HIV virus that destroys white blood cells in the body. and increase the likelihood of serious illness
• Cancer (Cancer), such as leukemia. or leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma. These cancers directly affect the functioning of the immune system.
• Some drugs, steroid medication. or chemotherapy can weaken your immune system.
It can be seen that the immune system is very important to good health. Help prevent illnesses that may occur without our knowledge. and recover quickly if infected with pathogens Therefore, we should always take care of our immune system to function properly. with a physical examination and have healthy behaviors

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1. How does the immune system work? [Internet]. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). 2020 [cited 15 June 2022]. Available from:
2. Immune System: Parts & Common Problems [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. 2022 [cited 21 June 2022]. Available from:
3. Overview of the Immune System [Internet]. 2022 [cited 21 June 2022]. Available from:

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