Instagram Stories a bug that forces repeat viewing

by time news

Instagram Stories seems to be misbehaving for some users, causing them to review all of someone’s stories before they can see new ones. The problem affected many edge Since yesterday, some Reddit users have been reporting the same thing happening to them.

META spokeswoman Kristen Bay said the edge In an email, the company “recognizes that some people are having trouble accessing Instagram Stories.” Bae said Instagram is “working to get things back to normal ASAP” and apologize for the inconvenience.

The main problem seems to be that Instagram doesn’t remember where you left off when viewing someone’s stories. For example, if a friend of mine posts five stories and I watch four of them before swiping, the next time I tap the icon, I’ll be should See their fifth story. Instead, Instagram currently makes me go back to the four items I’ve already seen every time I go to see a Story. The problem also occurs when someone posts a new story in their feed.

It is currently unknown how many users are affected. exist Abundance From People on me Twitter They report that they need to review Stories, but Instagram isn’t going as well as I expected if a major feature of it is broken for everyone.

Updated June 14th at 6:24pm ET: Added statement from a Meta spokesperson.

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