Installation of Mr. Farid Chourak, Wali of the Marrakech-Safi Region

by times news cr

After reading the Dahir of appointment, Mr. Laftit congratulated the new wali for the confidence placed in him by the Sovereign, highlighting Mr. Chourak’s successful professional career.

The minister also praised the action and work accomplished by the former wali of the region, Karim Kassi-Lahlou, while highlighting his professional skills in the management of public affairs thanks to his great experience accumulated in the various positions of responsibility that he held.

Mr. Laftit also explained that this installation ceremony takes place in a particular national context marked by the efforts made by the State to deal with the repercussions of the earthquake of September 8, stressing that the public authorities have succeeded in managing the effects of this tragedy, thanks to an effective approach based on collective commitment, strong cohesion and convergence between the different sectors and components of society, as well as the effective and responsible adhesion of all institutions.

He added that the High Guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, while the Sovereign chaired three meetings in the space of ten days, constituted a roadmap for determining priorities in a precise manner in order to help those affected, all categories combined, by this earthquake.

He also indicated that the Marrakech-Safi region has been experiencing sustained development for years, through the launch and implementation of a series of structuring development programs and projects in various fields, stressing that this dynamic has enabled the region to host numerous international events, the latest of which was the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

This international influence of the region is expected to be further strengthened with the continued implementation of major development projects that were the subject of the High Royal Orientations, in particular the ambitious program “Marrakech City of Permanent Renewal”, which reflects the Royal desire to ensure a balanced, integrated and sustainable development of Marrakech, affirmed the minister.

Highlighting the strategic role of the Ministry of Interior as a key player in carrying out various projects and reforms, Mr. Laftit stressed the importance of the responsibility of the territorial services of this Department in order to meet the expectations of citizens and listen to their growing needs, which requires good governance on the administrative and strategic levels.

It is in this wake, he noted, that the ministry ensures to provide the walis of the regions with the legal and organizational means guaranteeing the success of their mission as a main actor of development, noting that the achievement of the objectives expected by the National Charter of Administrative Decentralization constitutes an essential key to meeting the challenge of advanced regionalization.

A successful territorial model requires, in addition to changing mentalities and mobilizing better skills, three fundamental pillars: a responsible, direct and strong commitment to find appropriate solutions to the problems posed by the populations, the creation of employment opportunities through the exploitation and enhancement of the various potentialities that the region abounds in, as well as the provision of public services and the improvement of their quality in order to strengthen citizens’ confidence in the administration.

The installation ceremony of the new wali of the Marrakech-Safi region took place in the presence of, among others, the governors of the provinces in the region, representatives of local authorities, representatives of the judiciary and the legal professions, heads and members of elected bodies at the local, provincial and regional levels, heads of professional chambers, civil society actors, as well as civil and military figures.

2024-08-18 23:50:59

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