Institutionalized censorship FranceNight

by time news

2024-08-04 14:00:00

We fear attack. The only thing that happened during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was that we were against good taste, quality and modest. In one word (four) old French. This is resented by the ever-growing LGBT lobby that opposes homosexuality as the norm and the common future. Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron have made themselves leading figures.

At the same time singer and canker. (1) The great cantor, precisely. (2) Since in the Cathedral of France where he set the fire, it is (Master “Field” of Mars) who presides over the swan song: the announced death of the father values ​​of France is made. believe that they are eternal errors, before arising now than simply “On the Move”, in the field, that ” Because it’s our project! “. Also, like the flute player of Hamelin, when he said ” Republic on the Move » be careful not to tell you” in which way “. That is specific to his interests and those of the minority (what is covered and not announced except subliminally) instead of the general interest (what is announced, but which is not effective).

Hence the appropriate censorship and as severe as possible, used by those in power against anyone who opposes publicly (and even privately, from now on) against this great classification, because it is completely indifferent. It leads to the loss of milestones that are important to individuals. Achievements that allow us to know how to move towards a common understanding with the use of critical thinking, learned for a long time in families and at school. All this has been replaced by a narrative that is infantile, weak, even suicidal for the country and its values.

And, it is censorship that has been introduced at the highest level. (3)

I speak censorship here therefore the “establishment” of the Olympic Games.

Officially, if the IOC removes the video of the opening ceremony from its site, it is, I say, ” for copyright purposes. »

It’s a joke. A false pretext. Perlimpinpin powder.

The fact is that, as during the covid period, the message does not correspond to what Youtube calls ” local law. » Their community, not that of the people. And their rules.

What are they ?

Clear the rules of Science – Hell does not exist! – but consensus. The doctrine, the destruction and transformation (imposed on the exiled people of the world homeland), of group truth: “ The end is near. »

Yes, the true impact of the Olympic Games is finally coming to light.

And maybe that’s it. event animal » What Emmanuel Macron announced for us there.

As a result, things are likely to change in the coming days. And, copy.

And, I have not yet talked to you about the censorship that the President has put in place with his Olympic retreat, all the benefit for him with the personalities that he took with the fans of the sports events that were driven and attacked the political abuse that is connected.

1) meaning of “Canker”: “ Ulceration of the mucous membrane of venereal origin. » This is exactly how the opening ceremony decided by Emmanuel Macron has been seen all over the world, by anyone who is corrupted by corruption, vice and lust: the wound “specific” to venereal diseases, in the species transmitted to humans by animals . Of this event in which observers familiar with occultism see in addition all possible references to the cult of Lucifer.

2) the meaning of “cantor” and “grand cantor”: ” Cantor: one whose job is to sing at religious ceremonies. Grand cantor: master of music, director of music in churches, cathedrals and some monasteries. »

3) in French law, “establishment” means giving something “official value”, given and supervised by the highest body that is the French state, recognized by the French constitutional authorities that create the process, respectively through orders and laws, which is the government and Parliament. Without forgetting the professional monarch, only, unfortunately, that is the French people, the constitutional authority which should still be able to carry out procedures, namely through the voice of the referendum. But, unfortunately for the interests, both of France and its inhabitants, in the constant independent practice since October 4, 1958 (the date of the adoption of the French constitution formally by referendum), the French people rarely have the idea to act on this case, however important to the possible, which is the establishment of norms, since it is norms that govern the lives of the inhabitants of France, and throughout their lives. Too bad! When the French people are consulted through a referendum, they are subsequently denied, exposed and dismissed. I am referring to the adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon by the Congress, the representatives and committees that gathered in the Congress at the initiative of the Government, 3 years after the French people said “No” by choosing to this norm which affects all politics, economy, health and social life of countries. And especially when this norm, which he imposes on the French people, has completely removed them from the government of article 4 of the “his” constitution. And (this is my opinion), it is the application of this norm which is responsible for all the problems that France and its inhabitants encounter, especially since Ursula Von der Leyen is the President of the European Commission: the authority that European top about this wild deal.

This censorship shows the importance of the place of the Olympic Games and the history that goes with them, in the world system of Europe in general, and Macron in particular, in terms of being the control of the central power. Both on the European people and on the enemies of big business (sponsors of the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty), which are actors and small and medium businesses.

#Institutionalized #censorship #FranceNight

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