Insurance Trade | Federprivacy, beware of deepfake software

by time news

It is hoped that “institutions will take action to stem the risk of seeing a boom in fraud and identity theft”

“The abusive assumption of another’s identity constitutes the crime of impersonation punishable by art. 494 of the Criminal Code, in addition to all the other deplorable crimes that potentially result from illicit conduct carried out with the aid of artificial intelligence software, such as fraud, pedophilia, revenge porn, as well as computer crimes under art. 615 bis. The spread of programs such as Deep-Live-Cam requires institutions to conduct a legal investigation into a dangerous situation that risks undermining the foundations of privacy protection, personal identity, and above all the minimal principles on which the entire social cohesion is based”. The alarm was raised by lawyer Vittorio Lombardi, member of the board of directors of Federprivacy, referring to a new (one of many) software that, thanks to artificial intelligence, allows you to replace anyone by assuming their face.

Cybercriminals and others, Federprivacy reminds in a press release, “can take advantage of this by stealing users’ identities to commit scams, while sexual predators can lure minors by disguising themselves as their peers”.

Developers of software like Deep-Live-Cam, explains Nicola Bernardi, president of Federprivacy, “must provide clear instructions for using the program lawfully and provide evidence of their compliance with current regulations.”

While waiting for the new European regulation on artificial intelligence (AI Act) to take full effect in two years, according to Federprivacy it is desirable that “the institutions take action to stem the risk of seeing a boom in scams and identity thefts that could cause the situation to lose control”.

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