Integral therapies promote new life projects – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, February 27, 2023

Individual, group and family psychological therapy are part of the services offered by the Specialization Centers for the Treatment of People with Problematic Alcohol and other Drug Consumption (CETAD). The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) has 11 establishments of this type, in the provinces of Imbabura, Esmeraldas, Pastaza, Manabí, Azuay, El Oro, Guayas and Pichincha and cares for 137 patients.

These centers operate under the residential comprehensive treatment model based on a therapeutic community. The purpose of permanence in the CETAD is aimed at changing thought patterns, attitudes and negative behaviors of patients through the development of strengths, skills and the identification of emotions and risk factors that allow eliminating their addictions.

To enter the center, patients must be referred from the first level of health care and referred according to psychological studies that determine their permanence in the site. In the place they must comply with three stages.

The first phase involves its adaptation, behavioral control and family therapy for its permanence; the second analyzes the causes of addictions with follow-up and individual therapies. Finally, the patient is prepared for social reintegration through the approach with his family and a life project.

When completing all the phases of assistance that last approximately 6 months, the specialists carry out a follow-up for around two years, during which time the results of the process are evaluated. The activities inside and outside the establishment are psychotherapeutic and assisted by a comprehensive team of professionals made up of doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers.

In the city of Quito is the CETAD Carlos Días Guerra with 10 years of experience and the capacity to protect 33 adult men. This center offers care at no cost and is located on Pablo Guevara and Antonio Sierra streets, La Vicentina sector. In 2022, 491 users were served nationwide.


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