Integration, communication and personalization are watchwords for better health

by time news

2023-04-24 10:00:52

50 women linked to Health indicate an idea that they would like to see implemented in the sector, In the project 50 women, 50 ideas for health . 35 have already been released and can be consulted HERE.

Find out – in this article – 5 new ideas.

Create the chronic patient manager

Ana Sampaiopresident of APDI, argues that it is necessary to have a chronically ill patient manager because this population normally needs the intervention of several specialties and, as there is no single disease manager, it is the patient who is in charge of doing this link, feeling unaccompanied throughout the process.

Investing in Precision Oncology

This is the idea that Deolinda Sousa Pereira, director of the medical oncology service at the Porto IPO, would like to see it implemented in the country in a comprehensive manner. Early stage trials and precision oncology are the best way to look at the patient as the individual they are, and it is this personalized cancer treatment that represents the future of this area of ​​medicine.

Articulated, transparent and humanized Health System

Teresa Lucianochairman of the board of directors of Hospital Garcia de Orta (HGO) defends this vision for the health system which is based on three pillars: a single information system, integration of research and innovation and the existence of referenced emergencies.

Single electronic Health Record

For Sandra Cavaca, president of Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS), the single electronic health record is the idea that will most revolutionize the sector and is already being designed. This will allow, for example, that there is no duplication of records or exams, as all stakeholders, citizens and professionals, will be able to access this data in a more agile and efficient way.

Invest in effective communication

This is the idea of Sofia Baptista, a specialist in general and family medicine, would like to see fulfilled – in the near future – in Portugal. Communication can positively impact the attitudes and behaviors of the Portuguese in relation to their health and, according to the specialist, it can be done in the academy, in the media and in clinical practice.

Every week 5 new ideas are released. Over the next few months you can follow everything HERE.

50 women, 50 ideas for health

50 women, from various specialties, give 50 sustainable ideas for the development of Health in Portugal. In May, the 50 solutions presented will be discussed at an event that promises to open the doors to the future of the sector. 50 Women, 50 Ideas for Health is an Expresso project with the support of Sanofi.

#Integration #communication #personalization #watchwords #health

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