Intel and Biden have announced a huge project against China

by time news

Intel (Magma Images Photo)

Intel CEO Patrick (“Pat”) Glasinger and US President Joe Biden held a joint press conference yesterday (Friday), during which they announced that the American chip giant will invest an unprecedented amount in the construction of the world’s largest chip plant near the city of Columbus , The state capital of Ohio.

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According to Glasinger, Intel will invest $ 20 billion in setting up a pair of plants with a total area of ​​about 4 million square meters, which are expected to start operating by 2025, employ 3,000 workers at an average salary of $ 135,000 per year and produce state-of-the-art technology with 2 nm accuracy. That the construction of the factories will provide about 7,000 construction works in the area for the coming years, and that there is a possibility to expand the site later to a double area that will contain 8 factories.

In another incident, which Glasinger co-hosted with Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeVaine, he said it was “our biggest website announcement in 40 years,” and DeVaine added that it was a “signal to China and the rest of the world that from now on. The necessary products in this country will be manufactured in the USA.

Despite far-reaching claims, Intel’s announcement must be taken with a very limited guarantee: the company has a long history of making false promises to American presidents. In 2011, then-CEO Paul Otlini promised President Barack Obama that he would set up a giant 14-nanometer lithographic plant in Oregon with an investment of $ 5 billion. In 2017, then-CEO Brian Krasnich promised President Donald Trump to complete construction The same plant with an investment of $ 7 billion for production in 7-nm lithography. In practice, the plant only opens at the end of 2020 and uses super-old-fashioned 10-nm lithography, while all competitors produce at 6, 5 and even 4.

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