Intel Former India Head Avtar Saini Cycling Death, where PM goes to office by bicycle, these are the top 5 cities of the world where cycling is not fatal – intel former India head Avtar Saini run over while cycling know most bicycle friendly cities in world – 2024-03-04 04:22:21

by times news cr

2024-03-04 04:22:21
Amsterdam/Mumbai: A tragic accident in India’s financial capital Mumbai has attracted the world’s attention. Avtar Saini, former country head of world’s leading chip manufacturing company Intel, died in a road accident on Wednesday. Saini had gone out for a morning walk on a bicycle and during this time a speeding cab hit him and he died. Saini along with other cycle lovers had gone for a ride on Palm Beach. The cab driver hit Saini’s cycle from behind and also tried to flee from the spot. Saini was taken to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead. Cycling is considered very beneficial for health all over the world but in India it has become fatal. In the Netherlands, even Prime Minister Mark Rutte goes to office by bicycle. Let us know the 5 safest bicycle loving cities of the world….

Cycling has now become a popular global activity around the world. It is expected to become even more widespread. The main reason for this is that we are moving towards a green economy. While cycling provides an efficient means of avoiding traffic during busy commutes, it is also environmentally friendly. Determining the exact number of bicycles worldwide is a challenging task. However, it is estimated that there are more than 1 billion bicycles globally, which is much more than cars.

Know why Netherlands is the stronghold of cycling

Netherlands is the stronghold of cycling in the world. Bicycles are used extensively in the Netherlands. According to a survey conducted in the year 2023, more than 50 percent of Dutch people said that they go to their destination by bicycle at least twice a week. The Netherlands is an ideal country for cycling because the climate is mild and the land is flat. The Netherlands has well-developed cycling routes in cities and villages. Many people in Germany, Poland, India and Brazil also regularly use bicycles for transportation. In contrast, cycling is less common in South Korea and the United States.

The main reason for this is the lack of infrastructure for cyclists in these countries. Only 12 percent of people in South Korea and 16 percent of people in the US said they regularly use their bicycles for transportation. If you are looking for a new adventure for cycling, then we are going to tell you about some of the best places. These are the best cities in the world that are best for cycling. These cities have excellent cycling routes and infrastructure. Besides, the culture here also promotes cycling and gives it importance.

Top 5 safest cities for cycling in the world

  • Utrecht, Netherlands: Utrecht takes first place as the most bicycle-friendly city in the world. Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, has an extensive cycling network spread throughout the city. 98% of Utrecht’s residents own a bicycle, with some households owning three or more bicycles.
  • Münster, Germany: Münster, located in West Germany, takes second place as one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. It is known as the cycling capital of Germany. In Münster more than 100,000 people cycle through the city every day. It is estimated that there are about 500,000 bicycles in Münster, which means that almost every resident has two bicycles.
  • Antwerp, Belgium: Antwerp takes third place in the ranking of the world’s most bicycle-friendly cities. As Belgium’s largest city, Antwerp has over 500 km of cycle routes.
  • Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen takes fourth place among the world’s best cities for cycling.
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam ranks fifth in the list of most bicycle-friendly cities in the world.

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