Intense Helicopter Incident in Gaza Strip: Testimonies and Contact Recordings Reveal the Bravery of the Paratroopers

by time news

Title: Heroic Helicopter Pilot Safely Lands After Taking a Hit During Gaza Strip Mission

Date: October 19, 2023

By Il Gonan and Shaked Cohen Zamir

A stormy helicopter carrying dozens of paratroopers to the battle zone in the Gaza Strip took a hit but miraculously landed safely, allowing the brave fighters to rush into the kibbutzim where terrorists were hiding. The testimonies and contact recordings from the incident reveal the resilience and bravery of the soldiers involved.

The event, which took place a week ago, started with the surprise attack on the envelope in the Nabi Musa area. Dozens of paratroopers gathered at the airstrip, aware that they were heading into a battlefield, but unaware of what would happen to them during the helicopter ride.

The mission began when red color alerts sounded throughout the air force base. At around nine o’clock, two and a half hours after the alarms, the paratroopers took off. The decision to proceed with the mission was made by Col. Y., who served as a co-pilot on the flight.

Col. Y. recalls making a critical phone call to the parachute brigade, asking where they were and what they wanted the paratroopers to do. The brigade informed him that they had 400 soldiers ready, and this led to the formation of the quartet of fighters on the helicopter. The soldiers made their way to meet the paratroopers, who were eagerly waiting to go into battle.

Shortly after, four Yasurers landed in the area, ready to collect dozens of infantry fighters. Each helicopter was heavily loaded with 50 fighters. While the final destination was still uncertain, the paratroopers were told to carry out the mission as they understood it.

As the helicopters hovered over the Otaf settlements, the paratroopers witnessed the residents waving at them. They could see families, including children, signaling their support. The destination for landing was also determined – near Kibbutz Alumim.

However, just one kilometer before reaching the destination, the paratroopers noticed a large group of terrorists on motorcycles. Suddenly, one of the helicopters was hit by enemy fire. Despite the attack, the pilot skillfully executed an emergency landing under continuous fire. The paratroopers quickly disembarked as an anti-tank missile struck the helicopter, causing it to catch fire.

Outside, the paratroopers faced fighters from the Hamas terrorist group. Under intense enemy fire, it took them ten minutes to eliminate all the terrorists and continue towards the besieged kibbutzim. In the kibbutz center, the standby unit members shielded their comrades with their bodies. They fought for hours, almost alone, with minimal support from a few special forces. Infantry fighters later joined the battle.

Describing the horrific scene inside the kibbutz, Lt. Gabriel expressed his anguish. He discovered the bodies of ten foreign workers who had been slaughtered. Lt. Gabriel couldn’t help but feel the weight of responsibility, thinking about the residents who had awoken to such a tragedy. He emphasized that he was speaking for himself, not the army, but added that if they had been present, they could have prevented the disaster.

The incident serves as a testament to the courage and resilience of the Israeli Defense Forces’ paratroopers who risk their lives to protect innocent civilians. Their determination to fight against terrorism and the atrocities committed by extremist groups highlights the unwavering spirit of these courageous soldiers.

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