Intensive collaboration accelerates primary oncology care networks

by time news

More and more people survive cancer, but still suffer from the consequences of the disease and its treatment. The importance of a good – and well-coordinated – offer of care and support in primary care is therefore increasing. Regional and local oncology care networks meet that need. In a recent article by The Primary Care outlines how intensive collaboration has ensured that oncology care networks can further professionalize.

Under the banner of the Taskforce Cancer Survivorship Care, a lot of work has been done in the past two years to professionalize network care. Miranda Velthuis, advisor at IKNL: ‘This happened in the project financed by ZonMw Networking oncology: also for the consequences of cancer. Primary care providers who want to refer patients to or collaborate within an oncology care network can check on whether there is already such a network in their area. If that is not the case yet, the Regional Support Structure (ROS) is the first place to contact.’

Arie Jongejan, director of ROS Proscoop explains: ‘The first oncology care networks arose in the regions of Arnhem and Rotterdam. These networks visualized the teething problems and that is why we as ROS and IKNL have said: let’s share the knowledge and experience about this in order to speed up the process of national coverage. This is how the website was created. This not only provides an overview of all existing oncology care networks, but also offers a toolbox for start-up networks with, for example, a manual for starting up a regional oncology care network. In addition, a joint format has been developed for the website of an oncology care network.’

Oncology care network Oncolokaal was the first network to use the format for their website. The members have actively contributed to the development of the format. Desiré Paschedagexperience expert and initiator of OncoLokaal, says: ‘We looked very closely at how a patient is addressed on the website and what the right entrance is to search for a healthcare professional.

Steffie Lettink, GZ psychologist and member of the Achterhoek oncology care network: ‘Thanks to the intervention of a ROS, oncology care in primary care is now also clearly visible to patients and we have good cooperation with other networks and care providers in the hospital. That was our starting point from the start. Accessible care that involves a multidisciplinary approach and where the patient can make well-informed choices.’

Read the entire article in De Eerstelijns
De Eerstelijns is a magazine and online platform for collaborating primary care providers.
Want to start an oncology care network yourself? Read more here.

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