Inter-institutional articulation adds efforts to prevent and address cases of gender violence in Ecuador – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-07-21 23:24:59

Quito, July 21, 2023

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP), the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and the National Service of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (SNMLCF) developed the training “Expert tools for medical assessment in cases of gender-based violence.” The three-day event was aimed at doctors from the 15 First Reception Rooms in the country.

These institutions maintain a tripartite inter-institutional cooperation agreement, a specific activity that has the technical and financial support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The agreement seeks to strengthen links, build strategies and mechanisms to provide timely and effective attention to victims of gender violence in First Reception Rooms.

The MSP First Reception Rooms enable medical expert powers to facilitate access to the National Justice System for victims of gender violence and timely management in cases of sexual crimes.

The training began on July 19 with the review of the situational status of one of the gender violence benefits such as the First Reception Rooms, which had the technical support of UNFPA; Subsequently, the MSP trained on the administration of the Purple Kit or also called the sexual violence kit, which contains treatments and antiretrovirals for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), HIV, and Emergency Oral Contraception (AOE).

Desirée Viteri, National Director of Human Rights, Gender and Inclusion of the MSP, pointed out that “this workshop is a milestone on the issue of gender violence. This work would not be possible without our strategic allies, therefore, I appreciate the commitment of the SNMLCF, FGE and the support of UNFPA, and the efforts of doctors from all over the country who are now here, you are part of this great work”.

He added that violence is a complex phenomenon on a global scale. “In 2022, 332 cases of femicide were registered in Ecuador and up to April 2023, 122 were reported. All State institutions must work in an articulated manner in education and violence prevention as a state priority.”

On July 20 and 21, the workshop was given by the SNMLCF and the FGE. The specialists discussed issues on protocols in the field of legal medicine, health and legal regulations such as the proper taking of samples, legal medical expertise, psychological expertise, correct filling of legal medical documents, chain of custody and the role of institutions in the process of administration of justice.

Likewise, a practical space was maintained, where real cases of victims of violence were analyzed to deepen the issue of medical care and determination of injuries at the hospital level, in order to guarantee human rights and avoid the revictimization of survivors of physical and gender violence throughout the process.

Gabriela Díaz, deputy general director of the SNMLCF, indicated that this agreement involves effort, management and coordinated actions to provide an efficient service to alleged victims of gender violence. Although the job of doctors is to save lives, it is important to know that lives are also saved by administering justice and avoiding impunity”.

For her part, Ximena Coello, director of Criminal Policy at FGE, assured that this agreement has made it possible to generate protocols and work methodologies, to think about the actions and responsibility of one of the first-reception rooms for victims of violence. “These training processes unite us in the fight against gender violence, at the same time they invite us to learn and work together as an Ecuadorian State.”

In Ecuador, 65 out of 100 women have experienced some type of gender violence throughout their lives. Given this, the MSP undertakes prevention, care, detection and referral actions that guarantee health care for victims, in addition to adding efforts to comply with the Comprehensive Organic Law to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women.

Finally, Daniela Alvarado, UNFPA National Officer for Humanitarian Contexts and Youth, pointed out that intersectoral, interdisciplinary work between institutions and actors. “As UNFPA we are willing to support and strengthen public policies, accompany the State to join initiatives and gain access to health and justice,” she concluded.


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