Interapas will rehabilitate the water line in the Jacarandas neighborhood

by time news

2023-09-04 02:52:57

At the moment, improvement actions have been carried out in more than 16 schools; For now, they work in the La Lomita neighborhood

By: Writing

In a continuous effort to improve educational quality and the learning environment for students, the Citizen Participation Directorate in the Soledad de Graciano Sánchez City Council develops the “Beautifying Your School” program, which to date has rehabilitated more than 16 schools located in different colonies of the municipality.

With these actions it has been shown that the constant improvement of the educational infrastructure allows the students achieve a good academic achievement, by having optimal, safe and adequate spaces for their school strengtheningpointed out Claudia Teresa Salas Rodríguez, head of the area.

“This program was created from talks with the director of Municipal Education and that is where almost all the requests arrive, they tell us what the priorities are and that’s how we organize ourselves, We not only support the issue of classrooms, they are complete perimeter fences, infrastructure painting, campus cleaning, and other complementary work,” he said.

At the moment, A crew of eight people works at the “Graciano Sánchez” high school in the La Lomita neighborhood,

where work is done plumbing, electricity, finishes, floors and china in three classrooms that were recently built, it is estimated that the work time on this campus could be extended, since school managers requested an extension of the project, he explained.

The next school that will be served by the Directorate of Citizen Responses and Operational Area, is the “Enrique Almazán Nieto” telesecundaria in the same neighborhood, whose directors have requested the complete construction of a perimeter fence: “we work a 50-50 with the institution, on this occasion, they will provide the material and we will provide the labor, what we are looking for is that they have support and savings“, he stated.

The official invited the directors of the different educational establishments that require the intervention of Citizen Response in their school to approach the Directorate of Education and call 4441510877 and 78 to extension 102, so that their needs are met by the areas involved in this ambitious program.

Also read: Girls and boys with disabilities will receive equine therapy treatments: DIF de Soledad

#Interapas #rehabilitate #water #line #Jacarandas #neighborhood

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