Internal Strife Erupts in M5S: Grillo and Conte Clash Over Party’s Future

by time news

by Emanuele Buzzi

The guarantor: this is how you destroy the M5S; if you touch the symbol and mandates, everything will be blocked. The reply: you can’t

«Conte can create his own party if he wants, we are ready to take back the Movement or block everything»: the movementist wing goes to war. Beppe Grillo himself intervenes, attacking the M5S president with a harsh post: «As of today, I do not see any act of renewal, but rather an act of demolition to build something completely new that has nothing to do with the Movement», writes the guarantor, who is unhappy with Conte’s continuous attacks against him.

Grillo makes it explicit this time, emphasizing that he is ready to «exercise the rights that the statute recognizes to me as guarantor, that is, the guardian of the fundamental values of the political action of the 5 Star Movement». «According to Article 12, letter a) number 2, I reiterate that there are essential elements of the 5 Star Movement that must remain such so that the Movement can still call itself as such: the name, the symbol, and the two-term rule», writes the founder of the Five Stars, explicitly referring to the rule that gives the guarantor «the power of authentic interpretation, which is not subject to dispute», of the statute.

Then Grillo concludes with a reply to Conte’s last jab at him. «I add that it is true that “no one should fear a community that discusses”… but neither should those who decide on blocked lists and deadly embraces without discussing with the community,» writes the guarantor, alluding to the agreements in Europe and Liguria made without consulting the base.

Grillo’s words stir both factions. «He writes rightly,» claims Danilo Toninelli on social media, while Conte’s supporters rebel. Riccardo Ricciardi tells the Huffington Post, «he is wrong,» while Michele Gubitosa refers to Grillo as a «paternalistic figure» in a statement to Adnkronos. And Conte? The M5S president remains silent but lets it be known that he is surprised by the founder’s words. The former Prime Minister finds it incomprehensible that at a moment of unity and participation like the upcoming Constituent Assembly, wounds and splits can be evoked. Conte dislikes the logic of «with me or against me», viewing it as elitist. «Let’s stay united» is the leader’s encouragement to his supporters. But unity within the Movement is now a chimera.

The scenario on the horizon is quite complex. The most likely outcome is a rift between the two factions. But the key issue is about timing and the ways this could happen. Alfonso Colucci, a deputy and notary who monitors adherence to the statute, sets limits for Grillo. The article referenced by the guarantor according to Colucci «gives rise to a mere recommendation: it is a matter of moral suasion and is devoid of any legal effectiveness». «If we were to interpret his powers differently, it would be contrary to positive law, as it would configure a lordly power of a feudal nature, which conflicts with a fundamental principle: the assembly is sovereign, just like in any association,» he explains to LaPresse. According to Colucci, Grillo would also have no margin of action regarding the two-term limit, the ownership of the symbol, and the modification of the Movement’s name for various reasons.

«The invocation of his powers could prove to be an honorary sinecure», claims lawyer Lorenzo Borrè. But the movementist wing reminds that this very postscript was the center of the first clash between Grillo and Conte in the summer of 2021 and emphasizes that the power of authentic interpretation is «not subject to dispute» and the rule was inserted into the statute precisely «to fill gaps highlighted in certain debates».

But the real weapon in Grillo’s hands, who after other meetings with former M5S members has left the Forum hotel, remains the possibility for the guarantor to have the voting results of the Constituent Assembly repeated. The vote «will be deemed confirmed only if at least more than half of the members participated in the voting». A very high quorum for the Movement, which has recently recorded participation rates between 15 and 20%.

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September 5, 2024 ( updated on September 5, 2024 | 23:09)

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