International armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine: answers to your questions about the ICRC’s work

by time news

What activities are you doing in Ukraine?

We have been working in Ukraine since 2014; our presence and activities have increased considerably since February 24, 2022 to give greater support to the populations affected by the international armed conflict in Ukraine, who are in dire need of humanitarian assistance (food, drinking water, medicines and construction material shelters, for example).

● Currently, we have nearly 800 employees, including medical personnel, weapons contamination specialists, and other members of emergency teams. Most of them are Ukrainian colleagues who, in turn, are also often victims of the conflict.

● At the moment, there are teams in 8 locations: kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Poltava, Vinnitsa, Dnipro, Donetsk and Lugansk. From those locations, our teams work with conflict-affected communities in dozens of cities, some of them on the front lines.

● We set up an Office of the Central Tracing Agency in Ukraine dedicated to collecting, centralizing and transmitting information about the fate and whereabouts of some people, both military and civilians deprived of liberty, who have fallen into the hands of the enemy.

● We also have teams in Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Russia to support our regional response and coordinate with our partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

● In addition to strengthening the operational response on the ground, we maintain our confidential dialogue with the parties regarding the conduct of hostilities, as well as the protection of the civilian population, reminding them of their obligations under international humanitarian law. In these talks, we raise pressing humanitarian issues such as access to prisoners of war, safe passage for civilians and the provision of humanitarian assistance. Our purpose is to mitigate the suffering of populations affected by the conflict.

Highlights of the work done in Ukraine in 2022:

● More than 894,000 personas received basic assistance (this includes food and hygiene items).

● We support the supply of drinking water for about 10.6 million civilians (water trucks, pumps, pipes, among others).

● Distribution of money and materials for emergency repairs of destroyed homes of more than 55,000 families.

● About 1.4 million people have access to adequate heating in the regions of Jershon, Donetsk, Chernigov, Kharkov, Nicolaiev and Kiev.

● More than 160,000 residents in PID centers received basic assistance.

● More than 346,000 people throughout Ukraine got unconditional financial assistance (about 112 million Swiss francs).

● 1.528 people benefited from mental health support.

● 170 medical centers They received medical supplies and instruments, and medicines.

● 708 sick and injured people they were evacuated by ICRC ambulance teams.

● 103.000 personas They were able to continue with their treatments thanks to donations of medicines made to care centers for non-communicable diseases.

● Close to 4,000 communications they were channeled directly by the ICRC to families to give news about loved ones, and thousands of others were transmitted to the parties.

● More than 16,000 people improved their knowledge of the risks related to the danger posed by unexploded ordnance.

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