International Campaign of Lies: Sweden Under Attack from Russia and Extreme Islamists

by time news

Massive Disinformation Campaign Targets Sweden, Blamed on Russia and Extreme Islamists

Sweden is currently under attack in a relentless and crude international campaign of lies on social media platforms. Both the dictatorship of Russia and extreme Islamists have joined forces, inciting hatred against Sweden in a disturbing manner.

The Psychological Defense Authority has expressed deep concern over this alarming development. Mikael Östlund, the head of communications at the authority, has warned that the campaign is of considerable magnitude, with aggressive and threatening tones dominating the narrative.

This disinformation campaign is spearheaded by extreme elements who are determined to spread false information about Sweden. It has reached unprecedented levels, according to the Agency for Psychological Defense.

The recent incident involving the burning of a Quran outside Stockholm’s mosque by an individual from Iraq has played a significant role in escalating these attacks. The National Center for Terror Threat Assessment confirms that such acts of Quran burning have made Sweden a priority target for violent Islamists.

The volume of hatred and falsehoods being directed at Sweden on the Internet is staggering, with Östlund stating, “We have seen a volume now since a year ago that we have never seen before.”

The disinformation campaign revolves around three major lies about Sweden. Firstly, it falsely claims that the Swedish government and its people support extremism, racism, and hatred. These fabrications include allegations that the government intends to smear and desecrate the Quran, and that Sweden is at war with Muslims and Islam. Lastly, it asserts that only the Quran is permitted to be burned, while other religious texts, such as the Bible, are protected.

All of these claims are unequivocally false, emphasizes the authority.

As the campaign intensifies, Sweden is urging social media platforms to take strong measures against the dissemination of false information and hate speech. The government also urges citizens to exercise caution and critically evaluate the information they come across online.

The situation remains fluid, and Sweden is determined to counter the onslaught of lies and protect its society from the dangerous consequences of such disinformation.

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