International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists – | ACHTUNG!

by time news

2023-11-02 01:18:00

In it International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalistswe count so far 34 professionals murdered by the bombings of Israel on civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

From here we support the initiative #RightToInformPalestineIsrael in which Journalists demand a Stop the fire and the right to inform in Palestine and Israel

As committed journalists committed to the human rights we demand compliance with the International human right and the immediate cessation of bombing. Likewise, we call for a ceasefire to guarantee the protection and safety of the civilian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Israelas well as the release of the hostages held by Hamas.

We demand that the Israeli army guarantee the safety of journalists who are working in the Gaza Strip and who allow the entry of the international pressthus respecting the right to information.

Put an end to the impunity of crimes against journalists is one of the most important and complex challenges of recent times, and constitutes a fundamental issue to guarantee the full exercise of the right to freedom of expression and the open, free and dynamic exchange of ideas e information for all people.

Threats of violence and attacks against journalists produce a frightening and self-censorship effect among these professionals and society as a whole, which can only be avoided through decisive action by the State to punish those responsiblein line with its obligation under international and domestic law.

IACHR. Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression1 de junio de 2023. Comunicado de prensa R106/23. Titulo original: RELE rejects murders of journalists in the region and calls on States to redouble efforts to prevent and protect the press.

He Global impunity rate for murders of journalists is around 86%, suggesting that most threats of violence and attacks against journalists are not adequately investigated. Given this alarming rate of impunity, States are reminded that These crimes must be investigated exhaustively, effectively and impartially., seeking to clarify their motives and judicially determining the relationship they may have with their activity as communicators. This requires solid and independent judicial systems, prosecutors and ombudsmen, capable of firmly confronting all threats. threats of violence against journalists.

#International #Day #Impunity #Crimes #Journalists #ACHTUNG

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