International organizations demand that the right to demonstrate be respected and recommend expanding the electoral process

by time news

2023-10-12 02:53:26

Several international organizations view with concern the “serious political and social crisis” that the country is facing due to the actions that the Public Ministry (MP) has undertaken against the electoral process, which, according to them, “they put the democratic stability” of Guatemala at risk.

Besides, The organizations consider it necessary that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) extend the electoral process until January 15, 2024 and not remain as originally established for next October 31.

“International organizations accompany the human rights situation in Guatemala, we express our deep concern about the serious political and social crisis that the country faces due to the arbitrary actions of the Public Ministry. that put the electoral process and democratic stability at risk,” states the entities’ statement.

The document adds that for more than a week “the population has demonstrated peacefully in different regions of the country against the actions of the Public Ministry and to demand the resignation of Attorney General Consuelo Porras. prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche, prosecutor Cinthia Monterroso and judge Fredy Orellana”, those they hold responsible for the crisis.

“It is important that the Guatemalan authorities respect the right to demonstrate and gguarantee the integrity of the people who demonstrate,” the document reiterates.

Furthermore, it indicates that “The authorities must promote dialogue and not act violently against people who demonstrate” and that they “should not criminalize or threaten the leaders of the demonstrations.”

He states that, in this sense, “The authorities must comply with the provisional protections granted by the Constitutional Court to the indigenous authorities of Palín and the Citizen Action organization, as well as the 48 cantons so that the right of citizens to demonstrate is guaranteed.”

According to the statement, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has indicated that “The authorities must facilitate the exercise of the right to protest.” “and protest as the general rule, and should not consider them as a threat to public order or internal security.”

For this reason, the organizations point out that “We urge the Guatemalan authorities to refrain from involving the Army to resolve the situation.”

“We call on the Dialogue Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) to listen to all social sectors involved in the demonstrations and that their integrity be guaranteed so that they can speak freely,” details the letter.

The statement ends: “we consider it necessary that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal extend the deadline for the electoral process until January 15, 2024 to guarantee that the elected authorities can take possession as established by the Political Constitution.”

Among the signatory organizations are the Center for Justice and International Law, Foundation for Justice, Impunity Watch, Article 19, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, Foundation for Due Process, Be Just, the Washington Office on Latin American Affairs, Civicus, Guatemala Human Rights Commission/ USA and Latin America Working Group.

From Central America

The organizations of the Regional Human Rights Monitoring and Analysis Team in Central America condemned this Wednesday the “repression” against protesters in Guatemala and pointed out that the recent statements of President Alejandro Giammattei are aimed at “increasing the conflict.”

“We condemn the repression in Guatemala and demand the right to peaceful demonstration,” They indicated in a statement released by one of the organizations based in San Salvador.

Guatemala continues eleven days of demonstrations and blockades to demand the resignation of its attorney general and head of the Public Ministry (MP), Consuelo Porras Argueta, who refuses to leave office despite the national strike that the country is experiencing.

The organizations indicated that on the night of October 9 “a group of protesters were assaulted and assaulted by elements of the National Civil Police (PNC), in the center of the Guatemalan capital.”

“Likewise, we consider inappropriate the statements issued by the President of the Republic, Alejandro Giammattei, on national television, aimed at increasing the conflict and a climate of violence that does not contribute to the guarantee of human rights and social peace”the entities stressed.

They also condemned “the provocative attempts that the PNC is having” against the protesters and recalled that “the protests are an exercise of rights” and a “manifestation of popular discontent accumulated by the arbitrariness committed by the State of Guatemala,” especially the MP.

“We stand in solidarity with the Guatemalan people, we accompany them in their fight against impunity, we demand the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, mobilization and protest, and we strongly reject all types of violence that occurred against the protesters,” they concluded.

Among the organizations of the Regional Team are the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), the Human Rights Commission of Panama (Conadehupa) and the Foundation for Studies for the Application of Law (Fespad), among others.

The protests were called and started on October 2 by the organization 48 Cantones of Totonicapán. Since then, A large part of the population has joined.

Protesters demand the resignation of the head of the Public Ministry for allegedly trying to modify the results of the elections held last June and August, won by Bernardo Arévalo.

#International #organizations #demand #demonstrate #respected #recommend #expanding #electoral #process

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