Interview Auxitec, finalist CEPYME 2023 Awards SME with Best Payment Practices

by time news

2024-01-11 14:26:56

Auxitec is a company from Álava specialized in supply and distribution for online commerce. Their payment policy is based on paying all supplier invoices in cash and they have reduced their payment terms to the current 7 days.

Pascal Gómez is General Manager of the company, which is a finalist in the CEPYME 2023 Awards, in the SME with Best Payment Practices category.

How did you decide to submit to the CEPYME Awards?

The main motivation is to give national and international visibility to our company, and recognize the work of the Auxitec team.

What conditions does your company meet to attend them?

Auxitec is a company that has been advancing in a process of continuous improvement. Among the most notable elements of our management, I would highlight that 85% of our sales are international, in markets as demanding as Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Holland, Sweden, Turkey and we have our own company in Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates.

Auxitec recycles 100% of its waste, complying with all European regulations. In the company, 90% of management positions are held by women. The average age of the workers does not exceed 28 years, 65% of the staff are women.

We are an 85% digitalized company, and our turnover volumes in 2023 reach 43 million euros.

Do you think that the CEPYME 2023 award could improve the image of your company in the eyes of clients, suppliers and future investors?

The CEPYME awards are very important. CEPYME gives voice and message to nearly three million companies and being chosen for this award is very notable.

That our clients, suppliers and the Auxitec family know about our good work is very important.

Increase international presence

How has your company faced the increase in costs and the consequences of the pandemic?

The final product has a certain price that the market supports. Cost increases go directly to the “waterline” of companies. Therefore, not being able to pass on the increase in costs forces us to seek the company’s competitiveness at the limit of its efficiency.

What measures have they adopted to face this new crisis caused by inflation and the lack of some supplies?

The main measures have been coordination and joint work with the entire value chain. Programming, sharing knowledge, working together with our suppliers on a common message, has allowed us to maintain a very favorable level of resilience.

Have they recovered their pre-pandemic activity and results?

Auxitec became a pandemic, providing international service to all our clients. Protection and the online channel facilitated our approach to the very high needs of society.

Objectives and main challenges of your company for the coming years

The objectives for 2024 are to increase our presence in international markets, mainly the US and Mexico, and grow in the improvement of the company.

Cash payment policy

Does late payment affect your company? What extent?

Avoiding late payments is crucial in our companies. Companies do not close because they earn little or a lot, they close because they do not charge their clients.

Have you noticed an increase in delinquencies during these times of increased inflation?

The lack of collection or its delay is a burden on financing and with a highly unproductive cost. Financing costs have multiplied and this hampers companies.

What supplier payment policy does the company have?

Auxitec accounts for approximately 56,000 supplier invoices, and our policy for years has been to pay each and every one of our suppliers in cash.

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