Interview Exponentia Team, finalist CEPYME Awards 2022 SME Technological Innovation

by time news

The Valencian company Exponentia Team was born in 2018, with the idea of ​​adding value to society through new technologies, through automation and process optimization projects. Juan García Sánchez is CEO of this company, which is a finalist in the IX CEPYME Awards, in the Technological Innovation SME category.

How did you decide to apply for the CEPYME Awards? What conditions does your company meet to attend them?

The CEPYME Awards are one of the most prestigious business awards in our country, aimed primarily at recognizing the work of companies and businessmen at the service of society. And that is the main objective at Exponentia, that our activity has a positive and direct impact on society and companies, to bring about a transformation that makes the activity more stable and lasting in the future.

Exponentia develops customized technological solutions for companies, so that they improve their productivity, optimize their resources, reduce costs, and all of this has an impact on improving profitability. For example, the recommender developed by Exponentia has allowed one of the main trading companies for agri-food products to increase its turnover by up to 20 million euros. Or the software generated for the NGO Mamás en Acción, in charge of accompanying abandoned children in hospitals, which with this new tool has transformed its management and has expanded throughout Spain, reaching hundreds of children.

Do you think that the CEPYME 2022 award could improve your company’s image with customers, suppliers and future investors?

The recognition of CEPYME would give Exponentia greater visibility on how technologies can impact society and companies, through the projects that the team has carried out and would help to show how the use of technology, in combination with the talent of professionals can generate solutions that cause real improvements in our day to day.

For us, the image that our clients, suppliers and partners; For this reason, we try to take maximum care of your needs and not only cover them, but also exceed your expectations. Therefore, this award would help reinforce that image and transfer it to other potential customers.

How has your company dealt with the increase in costs and the consequences of the pandemic?

In the technology sector, in which our company operates, fortunately there has not been an increase in costs that affects us directly. Our main supports to create our services are technological, so this aspect does not affect us.

What has caused this increase in costs is a certain insecurity about the development of the economy and companies. The more resources companies have to develop and apply innovations in their processes and activities, the more and larger projects we have to develop. Otherwise, an economic crisis such as Covid 19 could negatively affect us.

What measures have you adopted to face this new crisis caused by inflation and the lack of some supplies?

Fortunately, by not having suffered this lack of supplies, we have been able to carry out our projects normally. The crisis has served us above all to be able to work in the long term and create security protocols for possible future cases.

Have you recovered the activity and results prior to the pandemic?

For the technology sector, the Covid 19 crisis has highlighted the need for digitization in companies, which has turned our services into essential goods for many of them. For this reason, we are very fortunate to affirm that our activity has doubled as a result of the pandemic, and we have had to expand our staff to provide the best quality service to all our clients.

Objectives and main challenges of your company for the coming years

In the short term, at Exponentia we have the objective of consecrating our current clients, providing them with the best possible service, giving them added value and giving them the necessary confidence to work together on different future projects.

And in the long term we want to continue developing our own products that arise from the common needs of companies, as is the case of the document manager that drastically reduces the working hours of employees, called Parsedoc; or the recommender that generates sales and increases profits directly in companies, called Datocles.

What role does innovation play in your company?

Innovation at Exponentia is the fundamental pillar of our activity. Both to develop personalized solutions for our clients, and for the development of our own products, innovation is the basis for any of our projects.

The union of technology, the talent of our team and the information that we get from polishing the data of any company. This is the key to being able to present innovative solutions with a high differential value.

Investment percentage and future prospects

Investment in Exponentia is one hundred percent linked to the self-financing of new technological developments. Our business model is based on investing our profits in generating new common solutions in all companies, which become products with high added value, which have a direct impact on improving the profitability of companies.

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