Interview with Immigration and Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer on 103FM: Addressing Government Conduct and Goals in the Current Conflict

by time news

Immigration and Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer spoke today (Sunday) with Udi Segal and Anat Davidov on radio 103fm and addressed the fighting in the many sectors and the conduct of the government during the fighting.

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“None of us understand what the families of the abductees are going through, how intense the pain and worry is and how much it bothers them,” he claimed. “We need to be respectful, and try even a little to understand the magnitude of the pain and suffering they are going through. I think we should be focused on the two goals of the war, what it means to defeat Hamas and how to return the kidnapped. I have a feeling that we have decided to skip these difficult questions. I think that “L reached incredible achievements in these three months of fighting, certainly from the very difficult situation we got out of, but the victory should be absolute. We need to talk about the demilitarization of the Strip, and at the same time there is the negotiation that needs to reach a state where there will be operational maturity, absolute victory is a question that needs to be asked.”

Later, he claimed: “I’m going to ask this question today at the cabinet meeting, why do we call victory. I think it’s time to clarify this because I hear that they are trying to escape the question. What exactly does it mean to dismantle government infrastructure? Hamas is apparently rooted and grew so deeply from The population in Gaza is not something that came from the outside. The goals are relatively clear, we all understand what it means to return hostages, and the dismantling of military and civilian infrastructure needs to be understood. Regarding these goals, there is an absolute consensus of close to 100 percent when they do not contradict each other.”

“As for the day after, I prefer not to touch because I have a feeling that the question is taking us away from the victory of now, and that we went to war out of a great rift in the nation,” he added. “We need to go through a process of recovery and convalescence, also to understand where our real enemy is. There will always be challenges, the political, interpersonal, inter-party challenges, they need to be minimized.”

About the Prime Minister, Sofer said: “The Prime Minister is a very good Prime Minister, the situation we are in is very difficult. I think it was wrong to open a northern front in the early stages of the war, and now I think we should try to reach a political process. The challenges are many and the government has done a lot in relation to what needs to be given. It is right to be concerned with achieving the goals and returning the goals. A Palestinian state will not be established. I don’t want a dispute that we don’t know how to deal with, the most right and important right now is to win. I definitely think that any action should be done out of a broad consensus.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103fm

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