Interview with Pierre Labrousse, author of the novel “Le clone de l’Apocalypse”

by time news

Guest of our “Essential Interview”, Pierre Labrousse is agraduate of philosophy, professor, author of “The wisdom of desire, an essay on the concept of deviation and the question of evil”. He launched into science fiction with a science fiction novel: The Apocalypse Clone (to editions Pto go Thorse).

Citizens by right and citizens by law: who will have the choice to be free in the future?

The story takes place in 2084 (one hundred years after 1984…), in the region of Alsace which faces polar temperatures. For what ? The Western Union (OU, any resemblance to another supranational entity is of course coincidental…) has fully succeeded in reversing global warming. How ? By practicing a harsh policy of declining birth rates and “renaturalization” of villages that were once inhabited, through mechanical destruction.

Daniel Hattstatt, in his thirties, is the engineer in charge of this “renaturalisation”, the consequence of which is to erase the heritage of the past on the pretext of respecting the environment.

Apart from his professional activity, in this society of the future, the hero however refuses brain implants.

At that time, humanity knew how to make human clones: reserved for the rich, these discouraged humanity from having children. Besides the possibility of using these cybernetic beings as servants, they can also serve as organ donors.

Daniel lets himself be tempted by hiring a clone named Lucie. Driven by an Artificial Intelligence, it will however show surprising affects and cultural interests. Is it because Daniel listened to Mahler’s music with her or discussed Nietzsche’s philosophy?

This is the beginning of a plot with twists and turns that echoes our current events and certain ideologies whose author imagines with many chiseled descriptions the dramatic consequences for the next century.

Pierre Labrousse, who “re-read the Apocalypse of Saint John” before writing his work, offers “a novel of Christian hope” and describes the potential wanderings of wokism or even of an “extreme” ecology whose dictates would go so far as to trample humanity.

The clone of the Apocalypse, “current vision of the future”? In this Essential Interview, Pierre Labrousse discusses key contemporary issues for the future of humanity: the education of children, the future of science and information, the nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or the social credit. 30 essential minutes.

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