Intesol Incubator selects paid fellows and volunteers

by time news

2023-06-23 16:58:48

The Technological Incubator of Solidarity Economy (Intesol), of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), selects three paid scholarship holders and six volunteers via notice no. 01/2023.

Registration takes place from June 26th to July 7th, by email [email protected], sending attached all the documentation specified in the announcement. In the “subject” field of the e-mail, it must contain “Enrollment Selection of Scholarship Holders and Volunteers Edital Intesol 01/2023”.

The selected students will work 20 hours a week and will be linked to Intesol’s activities in the academic period 2023.1, from August 11 to December 18 of this year. It is possible to extend the bond for another school term, depending on budget availability. Students selected as voluntary scholarship holders may later be integrated into the paid scholarship system, provided there is a budget allocation.

The selection will consist of an analysis of the application and documents and an interview, which can be individual or collective, virtual and in person.

All results of the selection process will be published on the website of Intesol and the Institute of Rural Development (IDR/Unilab), as well as on Incubator’s Instagram.

The call will be made on the next 7th and 8th of August.

Who can apply?

To enroll, you must be a student, with active enrollment, of one of Unilab’s undergraduate courses; consider as areas of interest the Solidarity Economy, Education, Family Farming, Food Security, Work and Human Development; have minimum availability of twenty hours a week; be available to work on weekends, when necessary; comply with and enforce Intesol’s rules of procedure; and be open to new learning.

Scholarship attributions

Among the responsibilities of the scholarship holder are:

– Participate in the planning of actions and training to update knowledge related to Intesol’s lines of action and didactic and pedagogical instruments.

– Assist, in person and virtually, with the animation of the Art, Culture and Family Agriculture Network (Racaf).

– Participate in face-to-face and virtual meetings about Intesol actions, representations, training, promoted by Intesol and its partners.

– Linking to one of the pedagogical didactic instruments under the guidance of a researcher/collaborator professor and contributing with the other instruments, obtaining the vision of the whole to intervene in Intesol.

– Participate in surveys, polls, communication actions on social networks and other communication instruments.

– Present scientific work at events.

About Intesol

The Technological Incubator of Solidarity Economy is a Complementary body linked to the Rural Development Institute (IDR) of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), since March 11, 2021, according to Complementary Resolution nº 4 of the University Council (Consuni ) from Unilab. Intesol plays an important role as an instrument of contribution to teaching, research development and extension activities, excelling in serving the internal community and, mainly, external, especially in the Massif of Baturité territory, metropolitan area of ​​Fortaleza and partner countries, sewing Unilab’s diverse knowledge.

#Intesol #Incubator #selects #paid #fellows #volunteers

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