Introduction of World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

by time news

2024-09-10 08:52:25

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[ID] => 128624
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2024-09-10 10:52:25
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-10 08:52:25
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=””]One more year to go World Suicide Prevention Dayto send a message esperanzaand to call for action in the face of unwanted consequences that cause psychological suffering. Considering the number of 4,227 suicides recorded last year, and that for each suicide that ended our other war efforts, let us know the magnitude of the tragedy, and the need to open a channel of trust so that people who suffered. make an effort to win. Each year we focus on a vulnerable group, and in this edition we consider a hidden truth in the world of sports. We all enjoy high-profile sports competitions. However, we are not able to see the demands and needs of athletes who want to be perfect. We see the beauty of exercise, but we forget the daily struggle in training, and the loneliness of a life between the stadium and the cold hotel room. While at the beginning of their careers, the mind and body are focused on high performance, and they are strong enough to handle challenging situations. Nevertheless, the pressure of success is always a threat, and the heart can end up giving up and asking for time to think. In this sense, many famous athletes come with the psychological team to measure the impact on mental health. We also know that physical conditions end up suffering after a few years, and these athletes have to face the day after. Plan B is a must, “what now?”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”128627″ img_size=”full” css=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””]This is a delicate time and they must have support systems that adjust their lives beyond the competition, and thus reduce the risk of suicidal behavior, for the continuity of uncertainty. We have seen helplessness in entertainment, but the truth is that the problem of suicide continues to be a silent social phenomenon, and this prevents us from developing a solution. Stigma, blame, and prejudice hinder prevention, early detection, and subsequent treatment. It’s time to embrace that lifeline that is hope. To do this, we must do it well and cleanly:

  • We must dispel myths and false beliefs, and act according to scientific evidence.
  • We have to plan care services in education, work and health areas.
  • Support, referral, and follow-up programs must be initiated after suicidal crises. A person with thoughts must interact with society, experience intelligence, and develop a survival instinct that puts them on the road to recovery.
  • We must consider the media to be involved in the prevention of suicidal behavior, providing quality information and a catalog of recommendations. The first step is to buy time.

Once let’s break the silenceand if a collective negativity emerges, we will have created a good environment for people to ask for help, be honest, express their feelings, and connect with life. Nor should we be blinded by perfection. It is enough to preserve moments of emotion, satisfaction and happiness.

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[post_title] => Introduction of World Suicide Prevention Day 2024
[post_excerpt] => Manifesto prepared by the First People’s Mental Health Committee and the State Women’s Network of the SPAIN HEALTH REPRESENTATIVE ASSOCIATION.
[post_status] => print
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[post_name] => manifesto-world-suicide-prevention-day-2024
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[post_modified] => 2024-09-10 10:57:08
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-10 08:57:08
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Introduction of World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

Manifesto prepared by the First Human Mental Health Committee and the State Women’s Network of the SPAIN MENTAL HEALTH CONFEDERATION.

One more year to go World Suicide Prevention Dayto send a message esperanzaand to call for action in the face of unwanted consequences that cause psychological suffering.

Considering the number of 4,227 suicides recorded last year, and that for each suicide that ended our other war efforts, let us know the magnitude of the tragedy, and the need to open a channel of trust so that people who suffered. make an effort to win.

Each year we focus on a vulnerable group, and in this edition we consider a hidden truth in the world of sports.

We all enjoy high-profile sports competitions. However, we are not able to see the demands and needs of athletes who want to be perfect.

We see the beauty of exercise, but we forget the daily struggle in training, and the loneliness of a life between the stadium and the cold hotel room.

While at the beginning of their careers, the mind and body are focused on high performance, and they are strong enough to handle challenging situations.

However, successful coercion is always a danger, and the mind can become strained and require time to think. In this sense, many famous athletes come with the psychological team to measure the impact on mental health.

We also know that physical conditions end up suffering after a few years, and these athletes have to face the day after. Plan B is a must, “what now?”

This is a delicate time and they must have support systems that adjust their lives beyond the competition, and thus reduce the risk of suicidal behavior, given the continuity of uncertainty.

We have seen helplessness in sports, but the truth is that the problem of suicide continues to be a silent social phenomenon, and this prevents us from developing a solution.

Stigma, blame, and prejudice hinder prevention, early detection, and subsequent treatment.

It’s time to embrace that lifeline that is hope. To do this, we must do it well and cleanly:

  • We must dispel myths and false beliefs, and act according to scientific evidence.
  • We have to plan care services in education, work and health areas.
  • Support, referral, and follow-up programs must be initiated after suicidal crises. A person with thoughts must interact with society, experience intelligence, and develop a survival instinct that puts them on the road to recovery.
  • We must consider the media to be involved in the prevention of suicidal behavior, providing quality information and a catalog of recommendations. The first step is to buy time.

Once let’s break the silenceand if a collective negativity emerges, we will have created a good environment for people to ask for help, be honest, express their feelings, and connect with life.

Nor should we be blinded by perfection. It is enough to preserve moments of emotion, satisfaction and happiness.

#Introduction #World #Suicide #Prevention #Day

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