Intruder Breaks Into Tourist’s House in Tel Aviv

by time news

Title: Intruder Breaks Into Tourist’s Home in Tel Aviv, Faces Detention Extension

Date: [Insert Date]

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Late last Wednesday night, a 39-year-old resident of Tel Aviv, identified as M., broke into a house where a tourist from the United States in her 30s was residing. The tourist had arrived in Israel a few days ago and was staying with friends.

Upon entering the house, M. undressed and climbed into the tourist’s bed, propositioning her for sex, despite some of her friends sleeping in nearby rooms. In her statement to the police, the tourist recounted the terrifying incident, stating, “He undressed, got into my bed, and offered me to have sex. He pushed me and behaved very aggressively. I forcibly pushed him out of the bed and screamed at him.”

Hearing the tourist’s screams, her friends quickly woke up and confronted the intruder. Describing the confrontation, the friends explained, “He didn’t want to leave the apartment, but we used force and threw him out. He didn’t give up and kept banging hard on the door, so we called Moked 100 and reported the incident.”

During police interrogation, M. claimed to have no recollection of the incident, asserting, “I didn’t do anything. You are just putting a case on me.”

This morning, M. appeared in the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court for an extension of detention. Testifying in court, a police officer revealed that the apartment complex where the incident occurred was divided into several units and the apartment in question was not locked. The officer confirmed that the police had taken a statement from the tourist and were in the process of retrieving security camera footage.

While M. has no criminal record, apart from an old forgery case, his defense attorney requested his release to house arrest under the supervision of his family, contending that investigations could proceed without custody. The defense attorney further claimed that M. was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident, potentially impairing his judgment. However, the judge ultimately decided to extend M.’s detention by five days, citing the severity of his actions.

The investigation into this alarming incident is ongoing, and the police are diligently working to gather more evidence. The court’s decision reflects the gravity of the situation, indicating a firm commitment to ensuring justice for the victim.

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