Invaders by the thousands – “Had Gadia” on the beaches ► Watch – live here

by time news

(lives here on the beaches) – This morning (Friday 11/11/22) fishermen on the shores of Crete brought up a final sea chub fish on their rods, an invasive species that reached our shores in the Mediterranean Sea. These fishermen are used to catching at this time of the year good quantities of silgo macaroni fish, called in their language “televisions” due to their somewhat transparent surface. This fish, by the way, is considered a delicacy.

The humpback fish (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

As you remember, in the last few days we published a news item about other, especially colorful, invaders that were also seen in our areas (in the “Photo of the Day” section – in the link):

Gordon - wide

A hearty family meal for the Eshtorat crabs ► Watch

Fish in disguise

During the last two days (at least), shoals of this invasive fish, which have black spines that characterize dangerous fish, such as the dragon fish and the “Nasrallah” fish known as “poisonous moustache”, also migratory fish, began to fill the shores of the islands. But unlike them, with the “televisions” it is only a disguise and in fact it is not a poisonous fish, nevertheless, fishermen avoid eating it.

The humpback fish – a big prey for the crayfish (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

A meal for crabs

So the question arises, what do we do with all these creatures? Well, as has already been mentioned here many times, nature has its own “order”. In this case, the crabs love this fish in a special way (in the photos – a carnivorous crab that was thrown back into the water), so that there is a solution to every invasion… almost.

Additional articles in Haifa – Haifa News:

Kiryat Bialik - Rahav
Dimples in a menacing movement (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

• A peaceful and pleasant Shabbat to all Hai Ha readers •

A fisherman uses a lure as bait for bream fish (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Carnivores and enjoying themselves (Photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Broad general

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