Invalidity, goodbye to paper sheets Now the certificate is a QR code-

by time news

From flying sheets of paper to the Qr code. The civil invalidity certificate issued by INPS is dematerialized: the person with disability can certify the disabled status directly from your smartphone or tablet to access all the benefits to which you are entitled, from health to tax and mobility, thanks to the new service of the Social Security Institute that allows you to download and save on your computer or mobile device an array code (i.e. with two-dimensional bars) which replaces the paper health report is meant to make life easier to those who do not have a life in itself simple.

Exemptions and tickets

There is no more danger of forgetting the document or losing it, and therefore having to request a copy from the INPS office. With this digital tool, the disabled citizen will be able to exhibit the state of disability more easily, on mobile or PC, to public institutions (Revenue Agency, Region, Municipality, Local Health Authority) and private institutions, when requesting the granting of assistance services, preferential access, economic benefits (such as the accompanying allowance) and mobility benefits (reserved car parking and free entry in limited traffic areas, for example), exemption from the health ticket, free prostheses and technological aids, certain discounts (the reduction of the cost of public transport tickets, for example) or tax relief (the purchase of a car with reduced VAT).

Also for the elderly

I’m over 18 thousand downloads made from the moment the service was launched (November 2020). But the potential pool of users of about nine million citizens. Come to think of it, an opportunity for everyone, even for the elderly less accustomed to using modern technologies because they will be able to ask for initial help from caregivers, children and grandchildren increasingly in contact with digital. A QR code already present on the title page of the paper-based civil invalidity report. But another thing: it is used by public and private bodies to verify the validity of the certificate of disability (always for the purpose of recognizing benefits and subsidized services).

Who is it for?

They are entitled to use this service all categories of persons attributable to the status of civil invalid, that is: who has at least 34 per cent of disability, the disabled minor, the holder of an accompanying allowance, the one with the law 104 (article 3, paragraphs 1 and 3), who is affected by blindness (partial or absolute) or deaf .

How to get it

The first step for the user connect to the online service Generation Qr-code for civil invalids for status certification on the INPS portal, which can be accessed by entering the credentials of the PIN code, Spid (digital identity), Cns (National Service Card) or Cie (Electronic Identity Card). The pdf of the Qr code is created in real time, to download and save on your computer and smartphone. If it is lost, it can be recovered with a new download. Among other things, the code is always up to date with any subsequent reports of aggravation and disability review.

How does it work

The operator of the organization that must recognize the benefit to the invalid ascertains his or her state of invalidity framing and reading the Qr code through special apps, including Inps mobile, present on all Android and Ios mobile devices. The operator then enters the citizen’s tax code to verify the veracity of the data present in the Qr code. At this point, a message appears confirming (or denying) that the person is actually invalid, thus falling into one of the categories described above.

Additional information

To obtain some benefits, additional information such as for example the type of pathology, the degree of disability expressed as a percentage (34 percent and up) and the associated tax benefits. In order to know these data, the service asks the operator to authenticate by entering their credentials and a password that was previously sent via text message to the mobile phone indicated by the person with disabilities.

The European disability card is coming

Italy will apply the Qr code containing information on the citizen’s invalidity also on the forthcoming European disability card. The objective of the card, which hopefully will be produced within this year (and will be sent by INPS to the home of the disabled who request it), allow people with disabilities to travel more easily between EU states. How? Ensuring equal access to certain benefits (tariff, service or support), linked above all to the transport system, cultural proposals, recreational and sports activities, since there is still no mutual recognition of the state of disability, and the relative national cards may not guarantee the same rights to citizens when abroad. Italy is one of the eight EU countries that joined the pilot project on the disability card.

June 24, 2021 (change June 24, 2021 | 18:11)


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