Invermectin does not work against Covid-19: the Italian study confirms it

by time news

Covid, invermectin is ineffective against the virus even at a dosage three times higher than the standard. This is confirmed by an Italian study

Among the many more or less scientific theories circulating online on the Covid-19 a miracle cure based on had also emerged invermectina, a drug usually used as a broad-spectrum pesticide. Today an Italian studio called Cover and published Preprints with The Lancet confirms that the medicine that some No Vax have argued that the solution to the pandemic is totally ineffective against ll Coronavirus. The research was coordinated byIrccs Sacro Cuore Don Calabria by Negrar from Valpolicella (Verona) in collaboration with theMario Negri Irccs Pharmacological Research Institute, and theSacco hospital from Milano, l’Sant’Orsola hospital from Bologna andCovid hospital from Rovereto (Trento).

Invermectin: “It is ineffective against the virus even if it is administered at a dosage three times the standard one”

The researchers tried to measure the effects ofinvermectina at high dosage for use on humans as a treatment against Covid-19. The Phase 2 Cover clinical study, randomized, non-profit and double-blind, was therefore prepared for this purpose.

“Studies relating to Covid-19 e ivermectina there are many in the world, but all have used relatively low dosages – he explained to Zeno Bisoffi, research coordinator and director of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases of the Irccs of Negrar – The positive data, which allowed us to think that the drug could be effective, instead came from an in vitro study by Australian researchers who had used high concentrations of the drug on cells in culture, showing that it could quickly eliminate the virus from cultures, preventing its replication . We therefore wanted to test ivermectina at high doses in humans, thanks to our experience with its use in tropical medicine: in fact we use ivermectina successfully and for some time in parasitic diseases such as strongyloidosis or onchocercosis “.

Invermectin, researchers reassure: “No serious adverse events”

The trial involved 93 positive al Covid asymptomatic or with mild symptoms to which theinvermectina to evaluate the effects on hospitalization and mortality. A first group took a placebo, the second a drug dosage of 600 micrograms per kilo for 5 days while the third was given invermectina 1.2000 micrograms / kilo for 5 days. The dosage is three times higher than that used for other diseases (200-400 micrograms / kilo).

“However, no serious adverse events were recorded: an important result given that one of the two main objectives of the work was precisely to verify the safety of this drug at doses higher than those normally used for the treatment of parasitic infections”, say the authors. of study. After 7 days in whom he had taken invermectina there was a decrease in viral load compared to those who had received placebo but the difference was not statistically significant.

“The negative trend could therefore be due to chance – emphasizes Bisoffi – These data, considered as a whole, suggest that it is not appropriate to carry out clinical trials with these dosages of the drug on larger samples of patients and dismantle the thesis No Vax on the fact that theivermectina may be an option for the treatment of Covid-19, even at high doses and even in the early stages of the disease. If there is no demonstrable efficacy at high doses, it is not plausible that it will be obtained at lower doses. “

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