Investigate the functioning of the Economic Competition Authority in seaports

by time news

President of the Association of Chambers of Commerce Advocate Uriel Lin: “Since in the structure of the administration of Israel, the only body that could order the seaports to operate at full capacity or at least at a reasonable level of output is: the Economic Competition Authority; Failure to take a stand on her part and avoidance of action, was a grave omission; Lack of use of statutory and conscious authority to fulfill its central role, as one that prevents a monopoly from harming the public interest and raising the cost of living … “.

The Association of Chambers of Commerce – The largest business organization in Israel, today (Monday, Tevet Tevet 5732), through the President of the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce and the Center and the President of the Chambers of Commerce, Adv. Uriel Lin, addressed the State Comptroller, Mr. The economic ‘in relation to the functioning of the’ seaports’ in Israel – Ashdod and Haifa – over the past five years.

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According to President of the Association of Chambers of Commerce Lawyer Uriel Lynn;Competition Authority, Under the management of Antitrust Commissioner (Former) Lawyer Michal Halperin, She is in fact, Failed Serious in exercising its powers in all matters relating toFunction of seaports, And in this omission, contributed directly and significantly toRaising cost GodFrom her life BIsrael.

Lynn, Does not let go and turns to State Comptroller Mr Engelman, In order to examine the way in which permission the competition In the face of the problematic function of Seaports. The essence of his claim; Competition Authority, Does not exercise its powers against Monopolies Absolute that they are inState ownership.

Lawyer Lynn, Indicates, that turned to State Comptroller (From 5.12.21) For a conduct check Competition Authority RegardingFunction of seaports BIsrael during 5 the last years.

He wrote toState Comptroller; “I ask His Excellency to order an examination of the conduct of ‘Economic Competition Authority‘In the last five years in front of seaports Ashdod andHaifa BIsrael.

As far as is known, Seaports Ashdod and’Haifa‘They Absolute monopolies BState ownership. they monopoly Also according to the quantitative definition of eServices That they give and also in terms of each of them being a market power in its own right.

In accordance withArticle 29 A‘A ban is imposed on Having a monopoly Take advantage of his status. See him as whoaffliction BPublic If he acted in a way of reducing the scope of eServices Offered by him.

In accordance withArticle 30 Of this law, may Competition Authority If it is present that the public has been harmed as a result of Having a monopoly, Give him instructions as to the steps he must take to prevent the injury.

Matanyahu Engelman

during 5 Recent years and especially in years; 2020 and-2021, Was the whole economy and public bIsrael, Aware of the special problems created in functioning Seaports As a result of a long wait of Ships Outside theAnts And times edischarge Andcharging.

There was a clear knowledge thatArrears These bUnloading of cargo Or bLoading them, Factors Heavy damage Tofarm area And raise considerably the Expenses Companies eshipping, GodImporters AndManufacturers RegardingUnloading the cargo or Loading them.

Full details on Condition of seaports Can also be found inReports GodChief Economist of the Treasury And also inAuthority reports Godshipping AndAnts; And a full breakdown of the costs, as imposed on theImporters And as imposed on Shipping companies, Are below the continuous material here.

The effect on Cost of living was dramatic. Not only did it include eFees AndLevies Ascended but also as a result, as a result rose Import taxes; Neighbor Import taxes, Imposed on the value Ibuani, Which includes the Import expenses all of them.

Low function of Ashdod port, Was a fruit intelegent decision Not to recruit Temporary manpower This is in view of the expectation of establishment Seaports New bDirect competition.

Which exacerbated the problem of theLimited function Performed inAshdod port, Was the fact that anyway Prices GodNaval transport GodGlobal rule, Took off as has rarely happened in the past.

Competition Authority, ThatNo was Blind to the situation, Which was examined General Information among State authorities AndPublic, Did not exercise its authority.

Ashdod port, For example, did not follow bFull output For no one who by virtue of an informed decision did he prefer not to recruit Temporary manpower, In view of the fact that after a few years, will be established Seaports Competing.

Since there was no other force that could intervene in what was done by force Statutory authority, I turned tosuperior Previous on Economic Competition Authority on the day 13.6.2021. I did not receive an answer.

According to Lynn; He went through bureaucratic hardships, contempt for answers and even ignoring his inquiries and above all when an answer had already arrived that the content of one of the answers stunned him.

The answer was that the treatment of “Seaports“Made in a broad framework of Establishment of new seaports BIsrael. “because of urgency The thing, I turned toWritten Second in7.7.2021 And again I received no answer.

Former Antitrust Commissioner Lawyer Michal Halperin in the Background: Cargo Ships at Haifa Port |  Photo: Wikimedia Commons |  Photo: depositphotos |  Photo processing: Shuli Songo ©
Attorney Michal Halperin

After thatIn charge of the competition Retired, I turned to her again Acting Commissioner of the Competition on the day 5.10.2021 Indeed, I won toAnswer.

But I will admit, answer thatThe astonishment Me because software. The answer was that the treatment of “Seaports“Made in a broad framework of Establishment of new seaports BIsrael.

But everyone knows that in those years, until they are established and operate at full capacity Seaports The new ones, Seaports Existing employees insub Productivity And factors Heavy damage To the general public andState economy For no they increase theCosts.

And in the same period Critical Also pushing up the Cost of living BIsrael. I emphasize again; Functional description eAnts, Finds expression in reports Chief Economist Division BMinistry of Finance And in reports Shipping and Ports Authority.

In terms of Competition Authority, This period, prior to the establishment Seaports GodCompetitive, like Ina Is taken into account and as if not caused Tremendous damage To the economy and the public at large. ”

on behalf of Association of Chambers of Commerce, She added Responsible for press relations Reply’ Hilit Naamat – Marilos locate This is Israel | It’s nice here | The State’s Oldest Local News Site Because a lawyer Lin, Concluded; “Since in the structure of the functioning of the administration bIsrael, The only body that could order toSeaports Act bFull output Or at least at the level Reasonable output She Economic Competition Authority;

Failure to take a stand By her andAvoidance Action, was in consideration neglect Donkey; Lack of use BStatutory authority And consciously in order to fulfill its central role, as one who is prevented frommonopoly Hurt inPublic interest And raise the Cost of living“. said president Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce andThe center And President Association of Chambers of Commerce.

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