Investigating 5.0, a manual for the perfect Sherlock of our times

by time news

2023-12-08 08:49:01 – “Investigare 5.0”, a volume edited by the prefect Vittorio Rizzi and professor Anna Maria Giannini, was presented in Brussels at the Italian Cultural Institute of the Italian embassy.

The manual is intended to be a sort of giving back investigators to academies and criminological sciences, with the restitution of scientific knowledge enriched byexperience on the field. Like a glass prism that breaks down a ray of white light into a thousand colours, Investigare 5.0 tackles the complexity of the world of investigations by offering the different perspectives that are required today to guarantee the safety of citizens: professional preparation and intuition the investigator is accompanied by the work of the biologist, the chemist, the physicist, the engineer, the statistician, the psychologist, the sociologist, the communications expert.

A plurality of knowledge and experiences linked by two underlying themes, only apparently distant: technological innovation and a different cultural sensitivity regarding the promotion and protection of human rights. Technological innovation, in the years we are living in, spanning two millennia, has led to a unique acceleration in the history of humanity.

The digital revolution offers extraordinary opportunities for both investigations and criminal threats, which require study and constant attention to intercept new dangers and prepare countermeasures in time. The other common thread that inspires this manual is attention to the victim, a contemporary sensitivity – now also codified in the legal system – which has introduced a new victimological perspective into criminology. What the code of criminal procedure defines as the person injured by the crime no longer represents only the holder of a request for compensation, but becomes the protagonist of the complex machinery of safety, which must be adequate to accommodate the needs of those who suffer from having been the victim of a crime and have a claim to justice. Technology and victimology thus become two sides of the same coin, in which science is the fulcrum of a new knowledge that must start and return to man, to give society ever higher levels of civilization and humanity.

The ambassador Federica Favi underlined the value assumed by Italy in international cooperation and the importance of the Italian model in strategies for preventing and combating organized crime. The Honorable Sabina Pignedoli highlighted how functional the use of artificial intelligence in data analysis is for investigations, especially in the field of organized crime.

Doctor Alfredo Nuzzi of Europol highlighted the positive experience of the Italian investigative model both in its prevention and operational capabilities in the multilateral context, with the experiences gained in the anti-mafia and anti-terrorism pools.

Prefect Rizzi, deputy head of the Police, underlined the need to promote the culture of combating the mafias and, in answering the questions of the journalist Lucrezio on the subject of gender violence, emphasized the need to work culturally on the asymmetric relationship between man and woman. The interview touched on various topics, such as financial economic crime. Rizzi explained that in a global and globalized world the challenge to money laundering is highly complex, since we have moved from the real economy to the financial economy and today we are at the so-called technofin with virtual currencies traded on platforms: on the centenary of Interpol, the Italy promoted the resolution, adopted almost unanimously, for the establishment of a new alert, specifically the ‘Silver Noticè’, in the wake of Giovanni Falcone’s ‘follow the money’ principle.

#Investigating #manual #perfect #Sherlock #times

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