Investigation of Strauss CEO’s attempted eavesdropping: “There is another potential suspect”

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Until then, the police intend to conduct an investigative action related to another potential suspect and additional investigative actions, and it has even requested and received various confidential orders to carry out the actions. In this way, the police try to confirm the suspicion that Korlov did not act on his own, but was sent to bury the listening device by other parties – that is, conspiracy to commit a crime.

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Giora is opinionated

(Photo: Tommy Harpaz)

In the hands of the police, it became clear today in the hearing, there is already the name of another person involved – “another potential suspect”, as she defined it in the hearing. So far the man has not been questioned, but the police hope that the investigation into his case will bring her closer to cracking the mystery.

The conspiracy offense attributed to Korlov is at the heart of the affair and centralizes most of the media interest. Since his arrest last Thursday at 22:00 at night in the yard of Bar De’a’s house next to his car, after he was observed opening and closing the car doors, carrying a device for wiretapping, the police have been trying to crack the riddle: Who had an interest in carrying out such an action? Business espionage of any factor against Strauss, is it related to personal matters of opinion and other different hypotheses in different directions of investigation. In addition, the suspect is charged with trespassing, car burglary, possession of a burglary tool and attempting to install a device for wiretapping.

Police today submitted to the judge a confidential report containing 11 actions they now intend to take in relation to the investigation, including obtaining a professional opinion on the recording device seized by the suspect. “The reasonable suspicion since the previous detention extension, despite previous investigative actions, has not intensified, but remains at the high level as it was. There is no doubt that he entered the yard, touched vehicles, there are videos documenting it. We try to track the purpose of the suspect’s visit. After tying the knot. ”

During the previous detention extension hearing, it was revealed that a note in Russian with the caption: “Bar Bar De’a” with the address of his private home in Moshav Beit Yehoshua in the Sharon was discovered in Korlov’s wallet, which strengthened the suspicion that someone sent him on this mission. However, the police have so far not been able to come up with further evidence to strengthen this thesis. Among other things, as the police clarified in today’s hearing, because Korlov refuses to cooperate. For example, he refused to give the address of the house where he lives in Arad.

Despite this, the police were able to locate the address of Korlov’s residence in Arad, enter the place, enter the apartment and search it, when among other things the purpose was to locate his cell phone, which he did not have at the time of his arrest. Korlov claimed to have forgotten the phone at his home, however as the Moldovan police spokesman said at the hearing, the device was not found during the search and in fact the operation did not yield any new findings that would strengthen the suspicion against him.

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Petah Tikva Magistrate's CourtPetah Tikva Magistrate's Court

Petah Tikva Magistrate’s Court

(Amir Kurtz)

In addition, the police claim that Korlov’s version that he came to the place in general to confront a renovation contractor he worked for and that he allegedly owed him money and in order to record it, and that he thought he lived there, is false, and the court has already ruled that it “causes difficulties”.

When police arrive for remand they need to present evidence that suspicions against the suspect have increased since the previous remand, and while at the previous hearing police pulled out the same mysterious note, this time the police spokesman admitted that since the previous remand on Tuesday no new evidence has been obtained to strengthen the suspicion of conspiracy. “I very much hope that the same action we requested in the new confidential report will lead us to development,” Moldovanov said in response to a question from Korlov’s defense attorney, Adv. Ran Alon on behalf of the Public Defender’s Office.

Advocate Alon asked Moldovanov – “Confirm to me that you do not currently have evidence of business espionage.” Moldavanov paused for long seconds with answers and then said: “This is inaccurate. “I do not know who sent it, but the very fact that a person arrives at the Strauss CEO’s home with a recording device is suspicious. He was given a version but it does not reconcile with the investigation material.”

When Advocate Alon asked, “Do you have a person with whom you had an affair?” “He has a name, an identity card, the name appeared yesterday after investigative actions. There is more than just a name here.” However, Moldovanov said the additional person had not been questioned so far: “I have not arrested him again.”

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Adv. Ran Alon

(Amir Kurtz)

Advocate Alon asked: “Do you have concrete evidence that you can point to a conspiracy with the same party?”, And Moldovanov replied: “Today I can not, but we will do everything to do so. Currently not. There is a very initial suspicion based on the progress of the investigation according to a document submitted to the court. Investigation is something dynamic, it’s not math, so I asked for orders in this case, we got orders yesterday, we’re working. We have full orders in this case. ”

Advocate Alon argued in his summary that “every prank has a limit. The research unit has hypotheses and hypotheses. Let them continue to investigate as they please, to do wiretaps and maybe it will give birth to something. But let him be released home. In the meantime, the mountain seems to have given birth to a mouse. ”

He sought to release from captivity Korlov, a 50-year-old man with no criminal record, who he says works casual jobs – sometimes as a lifeguard, sometimes as a repairman. “He has not been questioned since the previous detention extension, he repeated his version. His version may not be without difficulties, but he should not refute the suspicion attributed to him. The police have to prove he came there with the goals they claim. One week they try to establish the same conspiracy “This is the ‘case without.’ The reasonable suspicion did not grow stronger, it actually weakened, because there is treading in place.

Judge Lukashinsky-Gal, to whom the hearing on the extension of detention was directed, although he had not sat on the previous two occasions, read for long minutes the material submitted to him. All the while, Korlov sat in silence, as he did throughout the hearing, on the suspects’ bench. The judge finally decided, as stated, to accept the police request in full to detain the suspect until Sunday.

“Regarding the reasonable suspicion, we are in a third detention extension and therefore more significant evidence is needed,” the judge ruled in his decision. “It is not disputed that at this stage the reasonable suspicion of committing the offense of conspiracy – which justifies the reason for extending the detention – remains the same. “They are suitable. Every effort must be made to complete the operations by the end of the detention days.”

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