Investors make these ten mistakes from the point of view of stock market psychologists

by time news

Investment Strategies 2022

Especially in uncertain times on the stock market, investors often rely on the wrong strategy.

(Photo: Imago)

Frankfurt Fear is not a good advisor – and yet it is there and always leads to the same investor mistakes. Private investors are currently experiencing emotional roller coasters. The prices on the stock exchanges are on a roller coaster, the fluctuations in the prices are enormous. Most investors have not yet experienced a mixture of high inflation, low growth and rising interest rates. You are unsettled.

How should they behave now to avoid mistakes? Behavioral finance provides the answers. According to the theory, in addition to economic factors, psychological influences also determine investor behavior.

The two experts Professor Andreas Hackethal from the Goethe University in Frankfurt and the stock market psychologist Joachim Goldberg outline ten strategies for avoiding the classic investor mistakes.

First mistake: Investors lose control of the price losses

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