Invitation to the commemoration, in Brussels, of the “51st anniversary” of the Hutu genocide in 1972 in Burundi –

by time news

Dear compatriots, dear friends of Burundi

This day of transmission of memory is immeasurable in the process of resilience and the search for a peaceful climate, the basis for building reconciliation and lasting peace in Burundi and in the sub-region.

Dear compatriots, dear friends of Burundi

This day of transmission of memory is immeasurable in the process of resilience and the search for a peaceful climate, the basis for building reconciliation and lasting peace in Burundi and in the sub-region.

On December 20, 2021, following the progress report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the parliament of Burundi solemnly recognized the genocide. It is of capital importance that the genocide of the Hutu of Burundi is also recognized by the international community, in order to progress peacefully towards a peaceful cohabitation in Burundi.

On December 20, 2021, following the progress report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the Parliament of Burundi solemnly recognized the genocide. It is of capital importance that the genocide of the Hutu of Burundi is also recognized by the international community, in order to progress peacefully towards a peaceful cohabitation in Burundi.

Come in large numbers: Burundians, friends and neighbors of Burundi, men, women, young and old, to commune at this moment of contemplation, of remembrance, of sharing, but also of hope.

Useful information

. Date: 29 avril 2023

. Religious ceremony followed by meditation: Start at 2:00 p.m.; Saint Charles Church. Avenue du Karreveld, 15 in 1080 Molenbeek-St-Jean

. Contact persons:

  • Kinentama Gervais: 0495.14.24.69
  • Don’t let me go Tharcisse: 0485.42.75.46
  • Abbe Nahimana Daniel: 0476.79.31.28
  • It’s Michel Ange: 0474.41.37.61
  • Nimbeshaho Anselme: 0476.20.02.08
  • Ngabonziza Eric: 0479.35.88.69
  • Mr. Philippe: 0489.65.27.53
  • Barampama Athanase: 0479.33.39.13
  • Kiraranganya Arnauld: 0479.01.08.54

Your contribution to the costs is welcome at n° BE04 3100 5657 4631 in the name of Ntirandekura Tharcisse (purchasing manager) with the mention “COMMEMO 2023”

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