Iowa students plan to march to the Capitol in protest after deadly school shooting

by time news

Students walk out of Iowa schools, march to Capitol in protest of gun violence

Students across Iowa are preparing to walk out of classes on Monday and head to the state Capitol to protest what they see as inaction by lawmakers on gun violence. The call for the walkout came after a tragic shooting at Perry High School, where a student shot and killed a sixth-grader and injured seven others.

Akshara Eswar, the executive state director of March For Our Lives Iowa, said the shooting has hit close to home for many students, leaving them angry and frustrated. The group plans to deliver a letter outlining their legislative priorities to Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds as the 2024 legislative session begins.

The shooting at Perry High School has shone a spotlight on the issue of school safety and gun violence, which many say has been ignored by lawmakers. March For Our Lives Iowa is calling for stricter gun laws in the state, including requirements to report lost or stolen firearms and temporary bans on those proven to be a risk to themselves or others from purchasing or possessing a gun.

The tragic incident at Perry High School, which left a sixth-grader dead and several others injured, has shocked the small town of Perry, Iowa. The community is now grappling with the aftermath of the shooting as they mourn the loss of a young life. The family of the victim has called for his legacy of love and compassion to live on.

As the issue of gun violence takes center stage in Iowa, students are taking a stand to demand action from their legislators. The walkout and march to the state Capitol are just the beginning as students across the state come together to call for change.

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