IPN officials are accused of diverting more than 9 million pesos from the treasury

by time news
  • Officials diverted 9 million pesos from the treasury.
  • They asked for 6 million pesos in exchange for paying the 9 million pesos.
  • They compromised internet and digital telephony services to the IPN community.

Mexico City, May 01, 2022.- Authorities of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) investigate an alleged fraudulent action to the detriment of the rights of the community the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), in bringing internet connectivity and digital telephony.

It is an alleged simulated purchase, where authorities of this institution diverted 9 million pesos from the treasury against the companies Projects and Interdisciplinary Supplies (PSI) and Banana Technologies Group.

According to the ministerial authority, officials from the General Directorate of Computing and Communications of the IPN demanded, in conspiracy, with a third company Telecomunicaciones VG y Asociados, 6 million pesos in exchange for paying 9 million 257 thousand pesos that are owed to the first two signatures.

The individuals were required, through a public tender and after winning it, the IPN-PS-LICI-020-2021 contract was issued, a document that officials of the institution, directed by Arturo Reyes Sandoval, refused to sign, without first agreeing with individuals for a commission equivalent to a third of the total amount, that is, a commission of 6 million pesos.

The affected businessmen refused to sign said “commission”, they carried out the work committed to the IPN and from the past they wait for the institution to comply with the agreed payment, however, due to the lack of signatures in the contract, the institution has refused to liquidate the payment of the services.

Given this refusal and having compromised the institution’s internet and digital telephony communication services, the polytechnic community has asked the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) to respect its guarantees in terms of “digital connectivity” and human rights. to education.

For their part, the two affected companies decided to file criminal complaints with the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), the IPN’s internal control body; the Ministry of Public Administration (SFP); and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), to invoke their right for the Mexican State to comply with the guarantee of work and good pay.

Given the lack of signature to the contrary of the IPN officials, authorities of the FGR and the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (PGJCDMX) are already carrying out ministerial investigations into the alleged crime of improper use of public exercise and damages and damages against the polytechnic community and the companies.

The investigation folder FED/FEMCC/FEMCC-CDMX/0000816/2021 of the FGR, mentions that IPN Computing and Communications officials, particularly Francisco Javier Hernández Betancourt –division chief–, are accused of asking for money from PSI and Banana Technologies in exchange for covering the debt of nine million pesos for work already carried out.

The investigation highlights that Gilberto Reyes, one of the representatives of Telecomunicaciones VG, identified himself as a cousin of the general director of the National Polytechnic Institute, Arturo Reyes, for which “he should agree to the request for the collection of said commission of 6 million pesos, to get his payment of 9 million pesos.

Even when IPN authorities allowed the companies that won the contract to continue working in most of the IPN facilities agreed in the contract, in others, they were denied access as a measure of pressure, so the digital services in the institution they were engaged.

The PSI and Banana companies continued to work to avoid being held liable for non-compliance, however, in the final part, they were rejected, even to enter the IPN facilities, where middle-level, higher, postgraduate students and researchers operate.

Based on the complaint that was filed with the FGR, the Public Ministry of the Federation of the Specialized Prosecutor for Combating Corruption issued an official letter to Federico Anaya Gallardo, general attorney of the IPN, on January 21, 2022, asking him to present urgent reports on the IPN-PS-LICI-2021 contract and the LA-011800001-E158-2021 tender, as part of the investigation into alleged irregularities by institute officials.

Furthermore, the affected companies have requested the immediate intervention of the Federal Judiciary Branch (PJF) by invoking an injunction so that those responsible avoid evading justice and those affected can immediately receive economic resources. committed.

Those affected filed an amparo proceeding that had to be heard by Dinorah Hernández Jiménez, the ninth district judge in administrative matters, who held the constitutional hearing on April 4, 2022 without a sentence.

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