IR FAQ: How should I declare the tax I paid on my mother’s estate? – News

by time news

O R7in partnership with the CRCSP (Regional Accounting Council of the State of São Paulo)responds to questions from taxpayers about the AND 2023. To participate, just send the question by email, to [email protected]. The deadline for submitting the declaration ends on May 31.

Question: How do I declare the payment of ITCMD (tax on transmission causa mortis and donation) related to my mother’s estate? Tax in the amount of R$ 85,000 was paid through my account, at the direction of the manager of the bank where my mother also had her account. The money used in the payment even came from her own account. However, the manager told me that, in order to collect the tax, I should transfer that amount from her account to mine, and only then make the payment, a procedure that was very simple. Do I really need to declare this tax? (Fabio L. de Carvalho)

Response: Mr Fabio, ITCMD is paid by the heirs. For Income Tax purposes, this information is not required, however, it is important that you enter the goods (object of the inventory) correctly, as specified in the sharing form.

In addition, as your mother’s account was used to pay this tax, you will need to present accounts with the other heirs, to prove that the tax has been paid and will be settled proportionally between the heirs.

In the declaration, the payment of the ITCMD guide must be included in the ‘payments made’ form, with code 99. In the ‘observation’ field, you must detail the origin of the transmission.

A income tax return 2023 can be performed by the application or My Income Tax website or by IRPF 2023 Program.

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