Iran transfers five American prisoners to house arrest

by time news

2023-08-10 22:33:14

Five Americans detained in Iran have been transferred from their prison to be placed under house arrest, families and Washington announced Thursday, August 10 – the first step in a fragile agreement which could lead to the unfreezing of billions of dollars for Tehran. The progress made towards the release of these detainees, one of whom has been held for nearly eight years, comes after discreet and intense negotiations between Washington and Tehran, adversaries for decades.

The next step in a deal, according to a source familiar with the negotiations, could be the transfer of $6 billion in Iranian funds frozen in South Korea to a special account in Qatar. Iran could use it for humanitarian purchases such as food and medicine. If all goes as planned, the prisoners could leave Iran during the month of September.

Four prisoners – Iranian-Americans Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharqi, Morad Tahbaz, as well as another prisoner whose name has not been disclosed – left Evin prison in Tehran on Thursday, notorious for its living conditions. extremely difficult detention. The day before, the families had been informed by American officials of a breakthrough in the negotiations. On Thursday evening, Iran’s mission to the UN confirmed their release from prison. The four prisoners were escorted to a hotel where they will remain under the supervision of law enforcement, according to the lawyer for one of the prisoners.

The case of a fifth prisoner, an American, is part of the negotiations. She has already joined a house arrest a few weeks ago.

Negotiations “still in progress” and “delicate”

“While this is an encouraging step, these American citizens (…) should never have been detained”said Adrienne Watson, spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, in a statement. US authorities say they are monitoring the situation closely and say they will work for their release “until they are all back home, in the United States”added Ms. Watson.

All of the Americans detained are of Iranian descent. Iran does not recognize dual nationality and has had no diplomatic relations with the United States since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

“The negotiations for their final release are still ongoing and remain delicate”also said Ms. Watson, refusing to give more information.

Read also: Iranian nuclear: Washington and its allies respond to Tehran

The deal, fragile as it is, comes as Joe Biden’s administration and Tehran fail to find common ground to return to the 2015 nuclear deal, from which Donald Trump withdrew. .

Siamak Namazi, a businessman, was arrested in October 2015, accused of espionage on the basis of evidence described as ridiculous by his family. Morad Tahbaz, an American-Iranian who also has British nationality, was arrested in January 2018 and sentenced to ten years in prison for “Conspiracy with America”. Emad Sharqi, an investor, was sentenced in 2020 to ten years in prison for espionage.

The World with AFP

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